Chapter Thirty Eight: Got You

Antonio Dawson: Maggie... I don't know what to say. Thank you for putting yourself out there like that. x


Al Olinsky: Hey kid, just checking in. Wanted to see if you were doing ok?


Hank Voight: Thanks to your information we got Terry. We couldn't arrest the wife but Antonio's job is safe and that's what matters.


Trudy Platt: I think you broke my patrol officer. She's been staring at the same piece of paper for over half an hour.

Hank Voight: We couldn't get the wife. I guess she's taking it pretty hard.

Trudy Platt: Don't worry, I'll take care of it.


Trudy Platt: I'm taking out your girl tonight. Don't wait up.

Antonio Dawson: Thank you?


Trudy Platt: Meet me in the foyer after shift. We gotta go somewhere.

Maggie O'Neill: Not really up for it tonight Sarge.

Trudy Platt: You don't have a choice.


Antonio Dawson: I'm gonna hit Molly's tonight if you're up for it?

Maggie O'Neill: It depends if Platt's taking me to be murdered or not.

Antonio Dawson: Jesus I hope not... Whose gonna cook for me after a long hard day at work?

Maggie O'Neill: I hate you.

Antonio Dawson: That's not what you were saying the other morning ;)

Maggie O'Neill: That's because you started talking dirty to me and you know what that leads to...

Antonio Dawson: So if I called you right now and told you all those dirty things I've been thinking about since I saw you in that dress...

Maggie O'Neill: You'd have to explain to Platt why I stood her up :)


Sean Roman: Kayla... I just really wanted to talk to you. I guess I'm sorry, I don't want this to end but if it has to I hope you know that the two of us can still be friends.


Jay Halstead: Boyz night out!

Jay Halstead: Picture message attached.

Kevin Atwater: Man, you said you wouldn't start without me! You even managed to get Al in the picture!

Jay Halstead: He doesn't know we're photobombing him. Get your ass down here!

Kevin Atwater: I'm just settling Vanessa, I'll be along soon.


Jay Halstead: Boyz night!

Jay Halstead: Picture message attached.

Adam Ruzek: I go away for a couple of days and you guys decide to hit the town!

Jay Halstead: It's been one of those days!

Adam Ruzek: I can tell from the amount of shot glasses on that table. Hit me up when I get back.


Maggie O'Neill: I think you need to tell Sean.

Kayla Sharpe: I'm good thanks.

Maggie O'Neill: Kayla, you don't see what this is doing to him...

Kayla Sharpe: You don't see what this is doing to me.

Maggie O'Neill: I'm watching a good man tear himself a part over this. He thinks there's something wrong with him!

Kayla Sharpe: Butt out.

Maggie O'Neill: Your not being fair.

Kayla Sharpe: It's not your concern.

Maggie O'Neill: Like it wasn't yours when I received 'that text'?

Kayla Sharpe: That was different.

Maggie O'Neill: All I'm saying is think about it. Sean's a good guy and his past relationships weren't kind to him either. I gotta go, Platt's tapping her watch.