Chapter Thirty Nine: Never Have I

Antonio was on his way to being drunk, Maggie had spotted it the very second she had stepped into the bar after her excursion with Platt. His leather jacket was hanging on the back of his chair, his tight black shirt hugging his boxer's physique as he punched his fist in the air in victory, flashing the bold roman numerals on his forearm. Maggie loved that tattoo, she enjoyed the way he shivered when her fingertips traced the shape of each of the numbers.

It took a moment for her to realise the drinking game that the group of men were playing and when she did she found herself suddenly a lot more interested. Never have I, was a game that she had used to play frequently in college, more than a few dirty secrets had come out during those antics and she was eager to learn a bit more about her male colleagues without actually participating.

The next round of shots were lined up on the table and each of the Intelligence crew had a shot glass sitting in front of them. Jay picked his up and toasted the others before speaking.

"Never have I had sex in a bar." he threw his head back, throwing the shot down his throat before Atwater followed suit. Maggie raised her dark eyebrows with intrigue before removing her phone from her pocket and texting out a message to Antonio.

A wicked smile curved over her features as Antonio glanced at his phone, biting his lip as he read her message. His sultry dark eyes narrowed as his gaze swept over the crowd seeking her out. His tongue licked the taste of tequila from his lips as he caught sight of his sexy little patrol woman standing their in the same black lace dress and patent leather heels she had worn the previous evening to the sex club. Once again her chestnut hair was loose, falling in waves just past the curve of her jaw. Those long athletic legs of hers were on display, it took every single ounce of his self control not to claim her back then.

He rose to his feet, making an some excuse before he crossed the room in three steps and smothered her mouth with his own, his large hands cupped her place delicate features as his tongue parted her lips and delved deep into the hot wet confines. He didn't care who saw the two of them, he wanted everyone here to know that she belonged to him and him only. He wanted no doubts in her mind, what she had done for him today had cemented their relationship. She had showed him how invested she was in the two of them, that she was ready to fight for him the same way he would fight for her. It meant the world to Antonio, more than he could ever say. Words could never express how he felt about Maggie but he could show her, he would make it his life's mission to make sure she knew how safe and loved she really was.

"Come on." Antonio said, lacing his fingers with hers. He checked in both directions before the two of them slipped through the large silver doors that led into the back of the bar. It was empty with the exception of a large collection of clean glasses stacked up on the shelves either side of them. Antonio placed a finger to his lips, that deviant smile creeping across his handsome features as he pulled her into a single door on the left side of the dishwasher.

The utility room was small, there was an empty washer and a dryer that was apparently going through the motions. Antonio closed the door behind them before turning to Maggie his broad body bumping against hers due to their limited proximity.

His fingers reached up, catching one of her jaw length curls between his fingertips before he smoothed it back behind her ear. He noticed she was wearing those three silver studs in her lobe tonight, his thumb traced over each of them until it came to the tiny star shaped one he had given her for her birthday a few years ago.

"I didn't realise you still had these." he murmured, feeling that familiar sense of longing in his heart. The fact she was wearing them tonight showed him how much he meant to her, how much she cared for the things that he could give her.

Maggie brushed her hair back behind the opposite ear so he could see the matching stud in her other ear. She had three piercings in each but the stars were what stood out prominently.

"Well when a handsome man gives you the stars, I think it's only fair you wear them." she teased, her hand coming to rest on his clothed chest, her thumb smoothing over that ragged little bullet wound, the one that had just missed his heart. His breathing hitched before his strong hand tangled in her glossy chestnut waves. His sensuous mouth covered hers, trying to satisfy that savage craving in the depths of his soul. He backed her up until her ass was against the dryer, his molten hot fingertips drawing that sexy dress of hers higher up her thighs. Maggie's teeth grazed his lower lip, sending him into a frenzy as he lifted her onto the dryer before coming to stand between her parted legs. His calloused hands smoothed up and down her silky thighs as she pulled away from his kisses, a mischievous expression on her pretty features as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"I'm not wearing any underwear." she informed him, her delicate hands delving between them as she began to undo the top button on his denim jeans.

His sultry eyes darkened at her words, the desire pulsing through his throbbing cock making him moan as she carefully unzipped his fly, her fingers brushing lightly over his fitted black boxer shorts.

"Take them off." she murmured, her lips brushing along his lip line as he spoke.

Antonio obeyed as Maggie removed a small foil packet from her purse before tearing it open with her teeth. She tossed the wrapper to one side before pinching the end and rolling it down his erection. Antonio arched into her skilled hands, a groan escaping his mouth as she guided him to her slick entrance. She was soaking wet and it turned him so damn much knowing that he did this to her. His hands gripped her ass drawing her even closer as he held the very tip of himself against her moist core. Her hands were in his hair, her nails raking across his scalp as he teased her mercilessly, keeping everything she wanted just out of reach. He smothered her mouth with his own, drowning out her cry of ecstasy as he penetrated her slowly. She was so tight and wet, her lithe legs wrapped around his hips drawing him in even deeper, taking Antonio to a new plateau of euphoria. She arched her hips slightly and he heard her hitched breathing give way to those exquisite noises, the ones that let him know he was hitting just the right spot. He surged forward, picking up the pace as Maggie's pale skin began to flush at his ministrations. Jesus she was beautiful like this, so rampant and wanton. His innocent Catholic girl was dynamite in bed, every single time with her blew his mind in a new and dynamic way. That tingling in his lower back was starting, he bit his lower lip trying to stave off his impending organism as he stared into those beauteous blue eyes of hers, holding her gaze.

Their rasping breathes were the only found that filled the air as he drove Maggie right to the cusp of orgasm. Her athletic body tightened around him as she climaxed, she bit his lower lip driving him past the point of no return as the barrier between pleasure and pain blurred and Antonio tumbled right over the edge. His mouth covered hers once more, his kisses tender as their hearts beat against one another through the material of their clothing.

"You make me do the most insane things." he whispered against her lips, his forehead came to rest against hers as he struggled to catch his breath.

Maggie laughed at his words, the sound was like music in his ears as her fingers combed through his dark hair before she laced them at the base of his neck.

"I never did such crazy things until I met you." she promised him before placing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "How long do you think we have until we get caught?"

Antonio hung his head for a moment considering the question before delivering an honest answer.

"Probably not much longer." he admitted before carefully withdrawing himself from Maggie's supple form. Maggie perched on the edge of the dryer watching as he disposed of the evidence.

"We could sneak out the fire escape?" she said conspiratorially. "They probably think we left already."

"Beats doing the walk of shame." Antonio told her with a wolfish smile as reclaimed his jeans and underwear before stepping into them. It took him a few minutes to dress and when he did he took his lover's hand in his own, taking a perverse pleasure in that giddy smile and the sparkle in those blue eyes as he opened the door to the utility room.

"The coast is clear." he told her before the two of them sneaked out of the back door, leaving no trace of their crime behind them.