Chapter Forty: Talking On Phones

Laura Dawson: Antonio I need you to take the kids tonight. I have a business class and the sitter is sick.

Antonio Dawson: I can't tonight, I'm working a case. What about your parents?

Laura Dawson: Their on vacation on Budapest! What about your parents?

Antonio Dawson: Visiting my uncle in Florida.

Laura Dawson: I don't suppose you'd consider Maggie?

Antonio Dawson: I thought you wouldn't consider Maggie?

Laura Dawson: No I am happy with Maggie spending time with the kids. They like her and I trust her to take care of them.

Antonio Dawson: I really think we need to clear the air here... I was under the impression that you didn't like Maggie.

Laura Dawson: I have never said that. Did you just assume I wouldn't like her because the two of you are a couple?

Antonio Dawson:...

Laura Dawson: I don't have a problem with Maggie. I knew she was special to you back then but you were always faithful and she respected that.

Antonio Dawson: So you like Maggie?

Laura Dawson: Antonio... I think Maggie going to be in your life for a long time. She helps out kids with their homework and supports them when the two of us can't. I'm grateful that you have her to lean on and so do they.

Antonio Dawson: I did not see the conversation going this way but I'm glad it did. Do the kids know we're a couple?

Laura Dawson: They are far smarter than you give them credit for. They were the ones that told me the two of you were a couple.

Antonio Dawson: In response to your question I will ask her and let you know what she says.


Antonio Dawson: Maggie, I need a favor.

Maggie O'Neill: Uh oh... You never ask for favors.

Antonio Dawson: The sitter's cancelled on Laura and she needs to go to a business class tonight and I'm working a case. Could you take the kids?

Maggie O'Neill: Have you cleared this with Laura?

Antonio Dawson: She's the one who suggested it.

Maggie O'Neill: Send me her number and I'll make the arrangements.

Antonio Dawson: I owe you big time.

Maggie O'Neill: Just don't whine when I decide it's time to collect.


Maggie O'Neill: Hi Laura, what time do you want me to pick the kids up tonight? It's Maggie by the way.

Laura Dawson: Thank you so much for doing this. I need to be at class for 6pm, is 5pm ok? From my house.

Maggie O'Neill: That sounds great. Antonio's filled me in on their routine. I think he has spare stuff if they forget anything.

Laura Dawson: Did he tell you it's an overnight visit?

Maggie O'Neill: He did so no worries. If they need anything special just shoot me a text.


Sean Roman: Hey, I keep forgetting to ask, where did you and Platt disappear off to the other night?

Maggie O'Neill: Sorry I am sworn to secrecy.

Sean Roman: Come on seriously?

Maggie O'Neill: I think we both know I don't want to be the person who gets the keys to the Squad Car that stinks.

Sean Roman: Point taken.


Maggie O'Neill: Thanks for taking me taking to see the puppies the other night. You were right playing with them is therapeutic and they are so cute.

Trudy Platt: They prefer the term police dogs in training. Remember the deal, you keep quiet and you can go see them whenever you like. Hell, take Dawson's kids, it'll be a blast.

Maggie O'Neill: How on earth do you know about that already?

Trudy Platt: I have my sources.

Maggie O'Neill: It's Ruzek isn't it? He is such a gossip!

Trudy Platt: Well it's a big deal, you think he trusts just anyone with those kids?

Maggie O'Neill: ... I'll take them to see the puppies.


Trudy Platt: Hi Nadia, I'm free this Saturday if you want to catch up for a coffee?

Nadia Decotis: I would love that, just let me know the place and time. I could do with a break from the academy. The training is brutal!


Kim Burgess: OMG! Roman and his ex are driving me literally insane!

Maggie O'Neill: Welcome to how I felt this morning partnering up with them. Jenn is such a bitch, she goads him and then gets all pissed when he snaps back at her.

Kim Burgess: She just asked me if he still talks about her. I told her no!

Maggie O'Neill: To be fair you are telling her the truth.


Kayla Sharpe: So, some red velvet cupcakes seem to have appeared in my locker. Can I assume it's you or should I be concerned that I have a random stalker who likes to leave me sweet treats?

Maggie O'Neill: You need to get a better padlock because that one was far too easy to pick. They are an apology gift. I shouldn't have tried to give you unsolicited advice.

Kayla Sharpe: Yea you shouldn't have.

Maggie O'Neill: Am I forgiven?

Kayla Sharpe: It depends on how good these cupcakes are. Also can you get me a new lock?


Sean Roman: I am begging you to switch shifts with me tomorrow.

Maggie O'Neill: What on earth makes you think that I would want to deal with Jenn?

Sean Roman: I will give you whatever you want. That is literally how demented she is making me right now.

Maggie O'Neill: Next time we ride together I want to wear your sunglasses.

Sean Roman: Aw come on Maggie, you know how expensive they are.

Maggie O'Neill: You said anything. How can you put a cost on your own sanity?

Sean Roman: You promise you'll be careful with them?

Maggie O'Neill: Jesus Roman, I'm not a toddler. I think I know how not to break a pair of sunglasses.

Sean Roman: Fine. Your shift starts at 10am tomorrow.