Chapter Forty Six: People Like Us

Sean Roman: Hey. I've got some good news :) Burgess is awake and talking.

Maggie O'Neill: That's great news! You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that! Is everything ok with her?

Sean Roman: She's now demanding donuts so I'd say everything was back to normal.

Maggie O'Neill: I will bring her the biggest box she has ever seen once things are wrapped up here.

Sean Roman: I heard you caught the guy.

Maggie O'Neill: Halstead caught the guy at the scene we were at earlier but he keeps just spouting out the same thing over and over again. So far we're still working on getting a location on the wife.

Sean Roman: Good luck with that. Kayla's on the phone to Ruzek, so I'm just warning you he's gonna be shooting off in the next few minutes.

Maggie O'Neill: Thanks for letting me know. Will I see you at the hospital later?

Sean Roman: Wild horses couldn't drag me away.


Jay Halstead: Burgess just woke up!

Erin Lindsey: That is the best news I've heard all day! I just wish I could have been there with you guys.

Jay Halstead: We miss you too! How's Washington?

Erin Lindsey: Awful, the bureaucratic bullshit is terrible. I'm starting to think I made a mistake.

Jay Halstead: Your spots still open. Just saying.

Erin Lindsey: That create problems for the two of us.

Jay Halstead: If your not happy right now, I'm not happy. We can figure the rest out as it comes.

Erin Lindsey: Can we talk more when I get back?

Jay Halstead: Let me know when your flight gets in, I'll pick you up.


Jenn Cassidy: Sean, I know you are mad but we need to talk.

Sean Roman: I've got nothing left to say to you.

Jenn Cassidy: Tell me you didn't feel it too, when I kissed you before...

Sean Roman: You mean assaulted me.

Jenn Cassidy: Kissed you... Didn't you feel that spark?

Sean Roman: I think you mean revulsion.

Jenn Cassidy: Why are you being such an ass about this?

Sean Roman: I'm an ass?! One of my friends has just been shot and you decide to make a move, while my girlfriend is in the next room I might add.

Jenn Cassidy: Girlfriend? Trust me you can do better than a paramedic. I'll give you that she's pretty but I'm guessing she's not the brightest bulb in the bunch.

Sean Roman: You are fucking unbelievable. Lose my number, I don't want to hear from you ever again.



Al Olinsky: Hey, I heard you got caught up in that explosion, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing?

Maggie O'Neill: Bumps and bruises, my ears are still ringing though. Gabby said it'll fade in the next couple of hours.

Al Olinsky: Good, you need anything just holler.

Maggie O'Neill: You know I will.


Gabby Dawson: Hey, how are you feeling?

Maggie O'Neill: Ears are still ringing and I ache like hell but otherwise pretty good considering.

Gabby Dawson: Definitely good considering! I'm just letting you know my brother's just been on the phone. He wanted a detailed report on your injuries from the explosion.

Maggie O'Neill: So downplaying it is out of the question?

Gabby Dawson: I would say so. He does it out of love so don't be too hard on him. x


Nadia Decotis: Just checking in to make sure your ok? I heard Burgess got shot during a house call.

Trudy Platt: I can't believe that you guys have heard about that already. She's up and talking but she will be off duty for the next month or two for recuperation and rehab.

Nadia Decotis: We have the same training officer, Samantha Gibbons. I'll update her about Burgess's condition. Are you ok?

Trudy Platt: Better now I know they got the bastard. I'll give you a call after shift.


Antonio Dawson to Maggie O'Neill: Observation Room. ASAP.