Chapter Forty Seven: Work, Work, Work

Antonio was already waiting for her in the observation room when Maggie slipped through the door, closing it quietly behind her. His strong hands were resting on the back of a metal chair, his knuckles practically white with the force in which he was clenching it. Already she could see the apprehension in his handsome features as his dark eyes reviewed her from across the room drinking in her essence. She knew he was taking a mental inventory, his keen analytical eyes cataloging everything about her, from that ugly graze on her right cheek to the way she favored her left side.

"I'm ok." she said holding her hands up in mock surrender as he took purposeful strides towards her.

"Are you?" he asked her pointedly, his warm hand cupping her right cheek as his thumb lightly caressed the vivid red graze that marred her pale skin.

"Banged up." she answered him honestly, her pert pink lips pressing a delicate kiss to the pulse point on his wrist. "A little shaken but I'm coping."

"Good." he nodded before closing the distance between them. He was well within her proximity now, their clothes brushing as he stared directly into her eyes. "I just needed to see it for myself."

Maggie said nothing as Antonio's mouth lingered so tentatively close to hers. Her eyes were on his lips as he spoke. She could feel each individual breath he took as his words hung in the air between them. She didn't know what to say, she couldn't find the words he needed to hear. There was only this anticipation stirring up between them.

He had almost lost her today. It was the nature of their job, he knew that and now he was getting a taste of the fear that Laura had felt when he strapped on his holster and walked out of the door every day. The job was Maggie's life as much as it was his own. It had been like a punch in the chest when Antonio had heard about that scene today, despite the fact she'd escaped with minor injuries it had still rattled him. Deep down in his core Antonio had to admit he was scared, he didn't know what life he would lead if Maggie was ever snatched away. She was still right here underneath his hands though, she was banged up and bruised but otherwise she was ok, and he knew he had to keep that in focus. He could go crazy thinking about all the things that could happen to her in their line of work. He had known from the very beginning that falling love was about taking responsibility for someone else.

His firm hands came to rest on her hips pulling her gently against his muscular frame. His lips were desperate and demanding as he sought out her mouth, the tip of his tongue diving into that hot wet cavern. She tasted the same as always and he took refuge in that knowledge as she parted her lips allowing him deeper access to the confines of her mouth. Her noises were encouraging and greedy as her hands smoothed over the front of his T-shirt, rubbing the broad muscles underneath. Her body was alight with his brief touch as he kissed her. Her flesh was prickling with anticipation as she devoured his mouth sinfully. It was impossible to explain how much she ached for him right now. Her fingers delved into the recesses of his shirt, her fingertips tracing the pattern of his ribs lightly, her thumb gliding over one of those ragged bullet holes leaving Antonio panting and dizzy.

"Maggie." he muttered, drawing away from his lover unwillingly.

As much as he wanted to start something with her right now he was very much aware of the location. They were in a commonly used room in their station house, it would only be a matter of minutes before someone body walked in and they both didn't need to be written up for having sex on work time in their work environment. No matter how much he wanted to bend her over that table and make her forget every single bad thing that had ever happened to her.

"Work, work, work..." she mumbled to herself in an attempt to chase away the dirty, sexy thoughts that were rolling through her mind. She traced a finger along the line of her swollen lips as she watched Antonio rearrange himself through his dark denim jeans to conceal that throbbing erection. He glanced up and physically shuddered as he watched her action, his colored eyes darkening in that deviant manner of his.

"You need to leave." he told her, his voice low and husky .

She was turning him on even more and the wicked minx in her wanted to throw caution to the wind and climb on top of him until he was screaming her name. There was something so sensual in the way he looked at her and she knew that this risque attitude of theirs was a symptom to how close they had come to losing one another. She needed Antonio to know how she felt and she knew that showing him that would sooth everyone of those rampant fears that were rushing through his body.

It wasn't the right time for this yet, they still had a woman to save, someone else whose life hung in the balance.

"I'm gonna..." she said indicating to the door with her thumb.

"I'm gonna need a minute." he informed her with a wolfish smile, looking pointedly down at his clothed erection.

"So I'll catch up with you later." Maggie grinned, her hand reaching for the door handle. Antonio's expression turned sultry as those eyes of his darkened once more in arousal.

"You can bet on it."