Chapter Forty Nine: Sweet Silver Lining

The light was dim in Kim's room, the overhead illumination had been turned off and the bedside lamp had been switched on. Kim was propped up in bed, reading from one of the gossip magazines that Maggie had seen in the gift shop earlier. She glanced up as Maggie entered, a gracious smile crossing those full lips of hers as she pressed a finger to her mouth and tilted her head towards Ruzek who was curled up in one of the visitor's chairs. His shaggy blond hair fell over his features making him look almost boyish as Maggie paused, watching the rise and fall of his chest.

It had been a tough twenty four hours for the young cop, sometimes she forgot he was still a kid himself in some ways. He had been hand picked straight from the academy, the emotional intelligence you learned from walking the beat wasn't ingrained into him yet. It didn't make him bad, it made him different and Maggie found herself letting go of all the animosity she had harbored towards him throughout the duration of this case. Kim was important to him and Maggie knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of that grief when it came crashing down upon your shoulders. He'd done his best with the knowledge he had at the time and she didn't blame him for lashing out at her.

Maggie stepped up to Kim's bedside, her gaze falling upon the half eaten hospital food sitting on the small table across her partner's knees before she used the pink box in her hand to push it away.

"Donuts from Burt's." Maggie informed the other woman, a small smile tugging at her lips as Kim's amber eyes lit up.

Considering she had been shot, the other woman still looked like a super model. Her silky brown hair tumbled over her shoulders, framing her attractive features. Maggie could see how Ruzek could fall in love with the other woman. There was something about Kim that was so innocent sometimes, she saw the best in very one but she was a hardass when she needed to be. She was glad that the other woman was her partner and her friend, Kim had welcomed her in a way she had never expected and the notion itself was selfless. She couldn't stand the idea of not having the other woman in her life.

All the emotion that she had been holding back over the past twenty four hours tumbled to the surface and Maggie was horrified to find hot salty tears leaking down her cheeks. Kim's lips parted in surprise before she set the magazine down on top of the donut box. Her left hand reaching out and grasping Maggie's bicep in a vice like grip before she pulled her into a sisterly embrace. Maggie gingerly wrapped her arms around her partner, her chin resting on Kim's good shoulder as she held her tightly.

"I'm sorry." Maggie whispered as she clutched the other woman close. "I'm just so glad your ok."

"So am I." Kim murmured as Maggie drew away with a shaky laugh as she used the back of her hand to wipe away the tears under her shiny blue eyes. "Then again I get Burt's so this day's getting better for me already."

Kim was already reaching for the donut box, she flicked it open with eager hands before selecting a donut with pink icing and rainbow colored sprinkles on.

"You have to hide these when Will comes around." Maggie warned her with a knowing look. "He'll eat them under the guise of confiscating them."

"I'm on to him." Kim informed her partner, before biting into the donut, a sated look crossing her sightly features. "You have no idea how good it is to have one of these."

"I may have eaten my own box of them on the way here." Maggie informed her, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Nobody believes me when I tell them how much you stress eat." Kim told her, her forehead creasing as her eyebrows curved into a frown, she was pointing the donut at Maggie as she spoke.

Maggie shrugged her shoulders in response to the comment, it was true when she was pushed to her limit she ate every single carb in sight. She was just ridiculously thankful that she had a partner that liked to get up early in the morning to go for a run before work otherwise she'd be waddling after perps.

"Is there anything you need?" Maggie asked as Kim finished off the donut before she picked up a napkin to wipe the glazing from her fingertips.

"My Kindle and the charger. I left it in my locker when we were on shift. If you could bring it tomorrow I would really appreciate it." Kim said softly, her voice dipping as she sagged back onto her pillow, her eyes starting to droop.

"I'll bring it by in the morning before shift." Maggie murmured, her fingers curling around Kim's left hand before she squeezed it lightly. "Relax and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."