Chapter Fifty: This Much is True

There was something so delicious to Antonio about the way Maggie was looking at him. His beautiful lover was laying amongst his fresh sage colored sheets, beckoning for him to join her with that mischievous smile of hers. Those cobalt eyes darkened as he stripped his light grey v neck shirt from his broad physique enticingly. The past twenty four hours had him running on adrenaline, he had lost count of the amount of times he'd wanted to take her to one side and show her just how happy he was that she wasn't first through that door the other night.

Antonio climbed onto the bed, licking his lips like a predator, his firm body hovering just over Maggie's naked skin so that the two of them were barely touching. Her clever fingertips chased up the curve of his spine as they melded together, his hard cock teasing her moist core through their underwear as he buried his face into the curve of her throat. His demanding lips peppered her pale skin with greedy kisses before he began to work his way even lower. His head dipped to her naked breasts, his molten hot tongue flicking out and grazing over her erect nipple, causing Maggie to cry out in pleasure as he sucked it lightly into his mouth. Her hips arched against his, the friction driving Antonio crazy as she ground against him desperately, struggling to maintain the contact against him.

Antonio rose his eyes, watching Maggie's rapturous features as his mouth progressed to her other breast, repeating the same action. Jesus he wanted to taste her so badly right now, he wanted Maggie quivering and begging for release against his tongue. Every little sigh and whimper that rang in his ears was heaven and it only reinforced what every single aspect of him already knew. This was about her and making her understand that he couldn't live without her.

Antonio lowered his mouth to her moist panties, his warm breath ghosting across her in her thighs causing Maggie to squirm against him at the delirious sensation. His hands slipped underneath her, cupping her ass firmly in his palms before he pressed his mouth to her clothed bundle of nerves and kissed her right there. Her nails raked across his shoulders as she gasped his name out loud.

It was music to Antonio's ears and all the encouragement he needed. His deft fingers dragged her cotton panties down along those lithe thighs so he could caress her sweet core once more. His tongue flickered over her most intimate area causing Maggie to writhe in ecstasy as he continued his teasing. Her ragged breathing was like a symphony to him and he took direction from the hitches and moans that escaped her. She was so delicious he couldn't get enough of her. He knew he was driving her crazy, it was in the way she said his name as he drove her to her peak.

"Antonio." she whimpered as he held her on the very edge of climax.

The desperate desire in her voice was enough to almost fracture his control, he had never heard such yearning before, such want. Her skin was flushed with impending rapture, her cobalt eyes bright with arousal as she looked down at him. Maggie felt that consuming surge of excitement and anticipation as he reached into his night stand and removed a condom. It took seconds for him to apply it from tip to base before they were connecting all over again.

Antonio's fiery mouth covered hers once more, his deviant tongue dipping into her mouth as the tip of his aching cock grazed her moist opening. It drove Maggie even further into a frenzy, her thighs clenching around Antonio's waist attempting to draw him even closer.

"Now." she demanded against the corner of his sensual mouth as his fingertips brushed the stray chestnut hair away from her pretty features so he could look into her eyes. "Please Antonio now."

Her breathing hitched as Antonio penetrated her with a devastating slowness. Her entire body quivered as she took every inch of him inside of her. He knew the instant he entered Maggie's supple body that he wasn't going to last long, all the touching and teasing had led up to this very moment and it was happening all at once. As the two of them melded together he understood what it was like to belong to someone, body, heart and soul. Her gratifying moans were echoing in his ears as he thrust into her again and again, that sensation of rapture growing with every stroke. She was already tensing around his hard cock, her teeth grazing his bottom lip tipping them both into climax. It swept over them in waves as Maggie's nails raked his cappuccino colored skin leaving imprints in their wake.

Her sensual blue eyes fixated on his as they peaked and suddenly once more Antonio was drowning in the love he felt for this woman. It was indescribable the way she made him feel. He felt so wanted when she was with him, like the whole world could stop turning and he wouldn't give a damn.

"Love you." he mumbled against the curve of her throat, his thumb ghosting over the shape of her pert pink lips.

Maggie's fingers were in his dark hair, tugging his head up to she could stare into those dark soulful eyes of his as she whispered the words.

"Love you too."