Chapter Fifty Two: A Little Devil Complex

Maggie O'Neill: Did I hear that you arrested Adrian Gish today?

Antonio Dawson: And was then forced to release him.

Maggie O'Neill: I'm sorry to hear that. I bumped into him in the lobby before he gave me the creeps.

Antonio Dawson: What do you mean you bumped into him?

Maggie O'Neill: Well he bumped into me before I started shift. Scattered my bag all over the floor.

Antonio Dawson: I'm on the way down. I need to see your bag.


Kim Burgess: Are you alright? I saw you being bag searched earlier.

Maggie O'Neill: Antonio thought Gish put something in my bag when he bumped into me earlier.

Kim Burgess: Did he?

Maggie O'Neill: A matchbook. It only had one match in it. Antonio seems to think he was a message.

Kim Burgess: I hate the fact I'm not out there on the street with you I want to catch this guy so badly. Desk duty blows.

Maggie O'Neill: You'll be back soon. I get Roman until then so at least you don't have to worry about me.

Kim Burgess: Just make sure your careful out there today.

Maggie O'Neill: Promise x


Sean Roman: Is it me or is Platt being super weird today?

Maggie O'Neill: It's not you. She told me to have a blessed day.

Sean Roman: That is the best I've heard so far.

Maggie O'Neill: I have heard far better, I'll tell you the rest when we get to the Squad Car, you are gonna love it.


Antonio Dawson: I just heard about your Squad Car. Please tell me your alright?

Maggie O'Neill: Don't worry I'm fine, I wasn't standing near the car when it blew up. My prides hurt more than anything.

Antonio Dawson: I didn't think he would do anything this crazy. I didn't mean for you to get caught up in all of this.

Maggie O'Neill: Nobody got hurt so please don't let weigh on you.

Antonio Dawson: It just makes me want to catch the bastard even more.

Maggie O'Neill: Let me buy the tequila when it's done.

Antonio Dawson: Body shots? ;)

Maggie O'Neill: If you insist. ;)


Kayla Sharpe: Did I just hear your Squad Car got blown up by the guy that killed Shea?

Sean Roman: I was literally about to call you, I didn't want you to hear about it from somebody else. I'm ok, we weren't standing near the car when it blew up.

Kayla Sharpe: Thank God, I'm just glad that you are ok.

Sean Roman: I'll pop over tonight and you can check me out for yourself x

Kayla Sharpe: I would like that x


Trudy Platt: Did you blow up one of my Squad Cars?!

Maggie O'Neill: No...

Trudy Platt: I'll rephrase that. Did the guy you were tailing get free from your sight, sneak out of a bathroom window and then Molotov cocktailed your squad car?

Maggie O'Neill: That sounds about right.

Trudy Platt: Come and see me when you get back to the station house.


Maggie O'Neill: Did you seriously get me reassigned to desk duty?

Antonio Dawson: I think last night made it pretty clear that you are a target for this guy.

Maggie O'Neill: He's trying to rattle you!

Antonio Dawson: I know and it's working. I can't be worrying about you while I'm trying to catch this guy.

Maggie O'Neill: So your preventing ME from doing MY job in order to give YOU peace of mind.

Antonio Dawson: No that is not what I am doing. I'm just making sure you are out of the firing line. Platt agreed with that and you are doing your job, just from behind a desk for a few days.

Maggie O'Neill: We need to talk about this.

Antonio Dawson: I'm on the way out, we'll have to do it later.


Maggie O'Neill: Talk to your brother!

Gabby Dawson: I happen to agree with him. You nearly got blown up last night! Again I might add.

Maggie O'Neill: Low blow Gabby.

Gabby Dawson: This guy is dangerous Maggie, no one is safe until he's off the streets.


Kim Burgess: Am I hearing right? Have you been benched?!

Maggie O'Neill: Yep. I'm trying to make the best of it right now but I accidentally just stapled my sleeve to the piece of paper I was working on.

Kim Burgess: Meet me at the vending machine in ten minutes.

Maggie O'Neill: Thank God, the amount of filing that needs doing around this place is killing me.


Maggie O'Neill: Is everyone ok? Antonio isn't answering my texts!

Jay Halstead: Antonio's with Gabby at the moment, everyone's ok but it came pretty close...