Chapter Seventy Three: Weekend Plans

Antonio Dawson: Yo Jay. You still got a key to your father's cabin?

Jay Halstead: Yep, it's out of season so I have to drive up in the next few weeks to make sure the pipes don't freeze.

Antonio Dawson: Let me do it. I want to take Maggie away for the weekend and the cabin sounds perfect.

Jay Halstead: If it saves me the trip you are welcome to it. It has fully working facilities and is stocked with towels and bedding. Just make sure you grab groceries before you head up there.

Antonio Dawson: Thanks man. I'll drop by the precinct and pick the key up later on.

Jay Halstead: No problem, you guys deserve a break after the past couple of weeks.


Maggie Dawson: Hey, can I borrow your suitcase?

Erin Lindsey: Going somewhere nice?

Maggie Dawson: Antonio's taking me to Jay's cabin in Wisconsin before the big freeze hits.

Erin Lindsey: You'll love it up there! Just make sure you pack warm clothes. I'll drop the suitcase off tonight. x


Al Olinsky: Hey kid, just checking in to see how your doing?

Maggie O'Neill: I'm bruised as hell but better than I was. I've been meaning to call and say thank you for setting Gabe on me.

Al Olinsky: Nothing to say thank you for. You needed help, Gabe's good at getting you out of your own head.

Maggie O'Neill: Well thank you. You could have just left me to my own devices but you didn't and I appreciate that.

Al Olinsky: Give me a call when you get back from your trip. You owe me a bottle of red.


Nadia Decotis: Hey Trudy, are you busy tonight? I could use a hand with one of the manoeuvres we've been practicing in the academy.

Trudy Platt: I'll meet you at the gym at eight. Fill you in on all the gossip x

Nadia Decotis: Thanks x


Adam Ruzek: Hey Kim, my dad has to cancel on dinner tonight. They offered him some extra shifts.

Kim Burgess: I get it, I guess he has to take the work as it comes.

Adam Ruzek: I knew you would besides it'll be nice just the two of us.

Kim Burgess: Sure x

Gabriel O'Neill: Hey Mags, I need a favor! A few of my chaperones has dropped out of that Sadie Hawkins dance we have at the church for the kids next week. Do you mind filling in? See if you can drag Antonio along.

Maggie O'Neill: I get back on Monday so anytime after that is fine. x

Gabriel O'Neill: It's on the Friday after, 7pm until 10pm. Don't forget to wear a dress! x

Maggie O'Neill: I don't suppose you want to chaperone a Sadie Hawkins dance with me next Friday at the church?

Antonio Dawson: Depends what time, I've got a few one to one sessions at the gym until ten.

Maggie O'Neill: It's from 7pm. Don't worry I'll catch up with you at home afterwards. x

Antonio Dawson: Better tell Gabe to watch himself if it's lady's choice. I hear that there's a couple of old dears that wouldn't mind being swept off their feet.

Maggie O'Neill: I have warned him about being forbidden fruit. :)


Maggie O'Neill: Hey, you got a date next Friday night?

Kayla Sharpe: Not as far as I know, what are you thinking?

Maggie O'Neill: Gabe needs an extra chaperone for his Sadie Hawkins dance.

Kayla Sharpe: Maggie O'Neill are you asking me out?

Maggie O'Neill: Kayla Sharpe will you do me the honor or rather the pleasure of asking your attendance.

Kayla Sharpe: Of course, I would love to. Shall I see if Roman is available?

Maggie O'Neill: If anyone will be able to those teenagers in line it will be him.

Antonio Dawson: Hey Laura, I'm just letting you know I'll be out of town this weekend. I know the kids are busy but if you need a hand feel free to give Gabby or my parents a ring.

Laura Dawson: Thanks for letting me know. Have a good time!


Peter Stone: I'm going to give Cooper the weekend to make a decision, if he's not ready to sign the deal by 9am on Monday I'm charging him.

Antonio Dawson: Thank you. A few days in lock up may help him see sense.

Peter Stone: You don't think so though?

Antonio Dawson: He's loyal...

Peter Stone: Just not to you.

Antonio Dawson: Can you blame him?

Peter Stone: I don't envy your job.

Antonio Dawson: I don't envy yours.

Peter Stone: You thought anymore on that offer?

Antonio Dawson: I thought you were giving me until after the weekend too?

Peter Stone: I am. Guy's gotta try his luck though.

Antonio Dawson: Let me think on it and I will get back to you.