Chapter Seventy Four: Road Trip

The 'cabin' was actually more like a small lodge. Maggie couldn't believe the sheer size of the place as she stepped out of the passenger side of Antonio's black car and focused on the building in front of her. The structure was a combination of rustic wooden slats and a stone panel that met the wood a quarter of the way up the building. The roof was slanted, fixed with a modern material that she remembered jay telling her was resistant to all weathers.

A small stone path curved from the porch steps leading through the dense woodland to the concrete drive way in which they were standing. Although Jay had told them that the place was closed for winter, someone had kindly switched the porch lights on giving the cabin a warm and alluring glow.

Maggie shuffled further down into her black padded coat as the cold air bit at her flushed cheeks. Up here there was already a crisp bite to the air and she found herself inhaling deeply enjoying the sensation of the fresh air filling up her lungs as she stamped her feet in order generate some warmth.

"Patience is a virtue." Antonio teased her as he handed her the black rolling suitcase she had borrowed from Erin. Maggie propped it up alongside her, pulling out the handle as Antonio slung his black holdall over his right left shoulder.

"We both know it's never been one of mine." Maggie reminded him, her cobalt eyes glittering with mirth as she trailed after him along the flat path.

However it was definitely one of Antonio's finer traits. She remembered the first road trip the two of them had taken together as partners in Vice. Even the thought of that case made her shiver involuntarily, she'd seen the effects of drug trafficking when she'd worked in Narcotics but it was nothing compared to the sex trafficking that the Detectives in Vice dealt with. They'd been on the trail of one of a particularly prolific sex trafficker for months before he'd been picked up in Cincinnati on a speeding violation. The local cops had been more than happy to hand him over to be charged in Chicago unfortunately that meant a six hour drive for the two lucky detectives who had been lumbered with the case.

It was the kiss that brought Maggie back down to earth, Antonio's tender lips brushed against her temple before he ducked his head to see the expression on her face.

"You look surprised." he mused as he slipped the keys of the cabin out of his pocket and thumbed through them.

"I am." She admitted, raising her eyes to survey the intricate work of art that was the porch. "I expected this to be some kind of fishing shack in the middle of nowhere, not a luxurious holiday home."

Antonio glanced at her over his shoulder as he clasped the key in his hand, looking amused.

"Do you really think I would take you for a romantic getaway in Jay's fishing shack?" he queried, that devil may care smile crossing his handsome features.

It was that smile that made her heart swell in her chest. For a moment she was overcome with the depth of how much she loved this man and she would do everything in her power to keep that smile on his face.