Chapter Seventy Six: You Had Me At Hello

Maggie was gloriously naked, her skin was bathed in the glow of the light from the low fire as Antonio's calloused hands ghosted all over the bruises that patterned her lithe body. They were changing color, decorating her pale skin in an array of splotches that Antonio had made his mission to caress with his fingers and mouth. He had spent hours with her like this, rising her up until she couldn't take it anymore before he started all over again. There wasn't a part of her he didn't know by touch alone and the noises she made echoed loudly in his ears. There was nothing more perfect in the world than her.

His lips graced that thin white scar that lined her collarbone, his tongue flicking across the indentation as he raised his dark eyes to watch the expression of rapture on his lover's beautiful features. His eyebrows arched mischievously as he rose up above her staring into those stunning blue eyes of hers. His mouth lingering dangerously close to hers, his cappuccino skin was slick as he pressed himself against her willing form. His rough hands guided her wrists up above her head, pinning them there as Maggie stretched taunt under his boxer's physique.

"I love having you underneath me like this." he whispered into her ear, his teeth grazing her earlobe lightly.

"I thought you liked it when you had me like this." Maggie teased as her petite hands slipped out of his grasp. She rolled onto her stomach, arching up under him until the tip of him rubbed against her hot wetness. He groaned out loud, his muscles tightening as he held himself back from taking her right there and then. The dominance was rising up in him, it was savage and possessive, demanding he stake his claim to this woman. He wanted to with every fiber of his being, he wanted to remind her she was his and not even death could take that away from him.

"It's driving you crazy isn't it?" she whispered, glancing over her shoulder with that devious smile on those pretty features of hers. "You want me so badly but you keep restraining yourself."

It was about control, they both understood that. This last week had shown them that they couldn't have a grasp on everything, their lives had spun wildly out of orbit and now Antonio needed to claw some assemblence of that back. He needed her to know that she was his, come hell or high water.

"If I let this loose." he said through grinding teeth as he knelt up behind her, his fingers digging into her hips as she tilted her pelvis up alluringly. "If I lose control, it won't be about you."

Maggie's teeth nibbled at her lower lip, sending every one of Antonio's synapses into overdrive. He wanted her there was no question of that but he knew that dominant side of him was selfish. It would be about getting himself to the brink.

"You've spent hours working me up into a frenzy." she reminded him, arching slightly as he traced the curve of her spine deliberately. "Trust me you are taking me along for the ride."

"Jesus." Antonio muttered, raising his eyes skyward as Maggie rubbed her slick wetness his throbbing member.

His control snapped, his grip tightened on her hips, holding her firmly in place. He paused for a second watching as she bucked and arched trying to take him deeper. The noises she was making were music to his ears, her breathing was heavy and hitched at every single movement he made against her most intimate area.

"Do you want me Maggie?" he asked her, his voice hoarse as his hand threaded through her hair, pulling her head back as he inched inside her at an agonizing slow pace before drawing out again.

"Take me." Maggie muttered, her small hands bundled into tight fists, clutching the blanket beneath her as the ecstasy began to build inside of her. "Christ Antonio just fuck me."

"You are mine Maggie, you are the only person on this earth meant for me." he hissed as he thrust into her supple body in one long hard stroke.

Maggie cried out in euphoria as Antonio began to pick up the pace. His words were doing things to her, deviant, sexual things that turned Maggie on in a way that no one else could. The intense pleasure was building up inside of her as Antonio pounded into her wanton body. She was trembling with ecstasy, it was riding up inside her like a tsunami as he possessed every inch of her being.

Antonio was ready to explode, he could feel that powerful familiar tingling in the base of his spine as Maggie screamed his name, her inner walls beginning to clench and tighten around his dick like a velvet glove. His fingertips left bruises on her hips as he threw his head back with a feral groan at the moment of climax. Their ragged pants echoed through the room as he withdrew from Maggie's quivering form before coming to rest alongside her. Maggie rolled onto her side as Antonio tossed the blanket from the couch over their naked bodies. They were wrapped up in each other once more, Antonio's thumb tracing the line of her cheek as he pressed his lips to Maggie's, losing himself once more in the perfection of this moment.