Chapter 1- Too Young

Cassandra POV


At Zane's command Blake, Donald and I rushed in to attack. Donald was first, throwing a punch but Zane grabbed his fist twisting it behind his back and lowering him to the ground.

Blake came up next and tried to kick him but Zane threw his leg back and sent a small kick at his stomach. It was a painful kick but not enough to cause any damage.

I went next already imagining my pain killer prescription. This was going to hurt and they was no two ways about it. My attempt was a lot more pathetic. Apparently, I wasted to much time to throw the first punch so Zane took the liberty to do so. He grabbed my arm flipping me over so I landed on the ground on my back.

I let out a low groan as I felt the pain in my back. This is how training always went.

"Cassandra, are you okay?" Zane asked as he rushed to my side and my other brothers did the same. Why was I the one that got hit hardest?

"I'm fine", I answered as I stood up. Okay so maybe it wasn't that painful and I was just being a spoiled drama queen. They immediately understood this and were giving me death glares. It was kinda their fault for spoiling me rotten.

"I wanted attention", I said with a small pout.

"And you got it" Blake said as he ruffled my hair "You're just lucky you're adorable".

Blake has always been my favorite probably because he was the one who saved me that dreadful day, I would have live to regret it... if I lived....

"We spoiled you a little too much, didn't we?" Donald asked as he ruffled my hair as well.

"Yeah, maybe" I answered with a cocky smile.

"Knew we shouldn't have" Zane muttered to himself but I heard it anyway.

Zane started to clear up some of the equipment we used in training when he turned and said, "You guys should probably get ready, we have some work to do tonight".

I knew exactly what 'work' meant and I was already really excited.

"Alright!" I shouted in excitement and got a lot of confused glances from the boys.

"What're you so excited about, Cass?" Blake asked with the same confused expression.

"I finally get to work with you guys!"the excitement was still clear in my voice.

"I was talking to Blake and Donald" Zane answered with his usual monotone voice as he shoved some training mats in a corner, not really looking at me.

"Why don't you stay home and watch a movie or something?" Zane was now looking at me. His voice was still monotone but softer the moment he saw my disappointed expression.

He walked up to me and hugged me as I pouted. "I wanna go to!" I whined childishly.

He chuckled softly- something he rarely does- and smirked. "You can't even beat me in TRAINING" he answered putting more emphasis on the training part as if he was trying to make me look more pathetic than I already felt.

"But Donald and Blake lost pretty easily too!" I complained while stumping my feet childishly like a kid throwing a tantrum.

"Keep us out of this!" Donald protested.

"Yeah! Zane is strong it wasn't our fault", Blake defended.

I honestly didn't realize the two of them were still in the room and apparently, neither did Zane because he as looking at them with slight shock.

"Didn't I tell you to get ready?" Zane's voice was low. Like, threatening low. That tone that told you that if you didn't comply...

You're dead meat.

I wasn't too surprised when the boys dashed out like they were being chased by a cheetah or something.

"Better get ready too if you are coming", Zane told me. His voice was no longer holding a threat. "Even if you ARE a little too young".

"Young but capable", I answered as I rushed to get my things."Thank you!" I screamed on my way up the stairs.

I got to my room and pulled out a black bag from my closet and started to put in the things I needed.

Zane's laptop, the blueprint I got for the boys, rope, harness, snacks ( because why not?) and a gun.

My all-black outfit was ready to go. I studied the blueprint a little deciding the best route for us.

The alarm on my phone rang, 12 am, time to go. I grabbed my bag and headed to the front yard of our moderate sized duplex. The boys were already there waiting for me.

And here I am thinking I would be earlier.

We headed off to our destination in the cover of darkness. The bank.

This bank was said to be the most secure in town so most people made accounts with this bank and saved their money there so if we succeed we'll be hitting the jack pot but it was still a huge risk.

And we were more than willing to take it.

We got to the bank and I opened my bag bringing out Zane's laptop and handing it to him. I had borrowed it a week ago and never bothered to return it. He immediately got typing and doing some weird computer guru stuff that I didn't really understand.

"I just disabled all security cameras and laser alarms", Zane announced "Now we need a way to get in".

"The vents", Blake and I said at the exact same time. I guess I wasn't the only one who studied the blueprints.

I pointed to the vent on the blueprint and we started to look for it. We eventually found it but it was a lot... smaller than expected.

"None of us can go through", Donald very 'helpfully' pointed out. But then he suddenly looked at me "except you".

I sighed. The disadvantages of having a small body type. I nodded though and Donald helped me climb into the vent.

For a place with such high security this place was relatively easy to break into. I mean, I haven't even seen a single guard.

I connected one end of the rope to the vent and connected the other end to the harness I was wearing as I carefully climbed down the vents once I reached the vaults. I opened the doors for the boys. Donald immediately got to work in cracking the code of the the vaults. He was actually really good at it.

Once the vaults were open,Zane threw us each a bag. "Get as much as you can".

I got to work in stuffing my bag.

I'm actually robbing a bank!

Dream come true!

My little parade was over soon though when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hands where I can see them!"