Chapter 2- Mission Gone Wrong

"Hands where I can see them!"

I turned to see to people, a male and a female pointing their guns at us. They wore black hoodies with a red moon logo on the left side of the hoodies. Those uniforms looked really familiar but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

Zane on the other hand seemed to know who they were because in seconds he stood in front of us and pulled out his gun like the protective older brother he was.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you buddy", the male officer grinned. I noticed his hand tighten around the trigger and so did Blake and Donald apparently because we jumped forward at the same time while pulling our guns on them.

"Just put down your guns it would make it easier for all of us", the female officer sighed.

We of course did the exact opposite and tighten our grips on the trigger. "There's is no use, Lily", the male officer said. "They obviously wouldn't listen and besides we've been tracking them down for years, the boss would be proud if he finds out we already ended their miserable existence".

Zane let out a noise that sounded threatening and animal-like but I didn't dwell on on it.

Before we could even know what was happening we heard a loud gunshot. Zane pushed Donald and he fell on Blake who in turn fell on me and we crumbled to the ground. The next thing I heard was a loud groan and a thud.

"Zane?!" The three of us called out in worry. He held unto his left bleeding shoulder.

That bastard shot my brother!

"I was aiming for his chest put I guess this works too", the male officer shrugged like my brother wasn't actually lying on the floor with a bullet in his shoulder.

"The boss may want them alive, Gerald. You get the bleeding one and I'll round up the other two and their new friend", Lily explained.

She was talking to Gerald but was somehow able to sense when Blake and Donald tried to attack her. I'm not sure what she did but the boys were sent flying and hit the floor with a roll.

I was about to help them when I heard Zane's voice, "Guys, be careful" he was in clear pain. I rushed over to his side and knelt beside him taking off my jacket, ripping off one of the sleeves and wrapping it around his bleeding arm.

I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. I had to somehow get us out of here. "Hey, it's going to be okay", Zane comforted. I could tell that he wanted to wipe my tears but didn't due to the blood on his hand and his injury.

"Donald! Donald! Wake up please!"

Donald was on the floor and was bleeding from his side and he wasn't moving. Blake was crawling over to where he was that was until Lily yanked him by his shirt and pulled off his mask. She stared at him for a moment, "You're kind of young", she yanked his hair and he let out a groan. She cuffed his hands and pushed him on the floor right beside the cuffed and bleeding Donald.

"Learn to keep your filthy hands off my partners bitch!" I said while getting back on my feet and wearing my bloodstained jacket. I made my voice sound deeper so they would think I'm a male and feel more threatened by me. I was wearing a mask so they couldn't exactly tell my gender.

"Hate to drop this on you bro, but you've been hanging out with bad crowd", Gerald told me.

"Well 'bro', I rather hang out with this 'bad' crowd than with anyone like you", I said in a deep menacing tone- something I've been practicing for quite sometime now.

"Okay then..." I was able to dodge Lily's gunshot in time and started to send off my own attacks letting gunshots echo round the large room. She managed to dodge every single one. I was about to send off yet another attack when I heard a painful groan behind me.

I looked back to see that Gerald had forced Zane to sit on his knees and was trying to cuff his hands which in turn made Zane groan in pain.

"Don't touch hi-" before I could complete my sentence, I felt someone put me in a really tight choke hold. I struggled but she ended up pinning me to the floor and dragging off my mask.

She gaped at my face in awe. I'm pretty sure beauty left her speechless.

"You're a girl?!"

Or maybe she just wasn't expecting me to be a female.

"You're seem really young to be doing this", she said softly but I wasn't buying her sudden change in behavior."How old are you?"

"None of your business lady", I spat. I didn't want to give her the privilege of knowing anything about me.

"What's . your . age?" her voice was low and threatening and it didn't help matters that she now had a gun pointed to my head. "S-sixteen", I finally answered in defeat.

"You really are young", she said. While in her moment of thought her grip loosened on me and I took my chance. I punched her in the face and kicked her off me.

"Cassandra run!" I heard Blake yell. Zane was looking t me with pleading eyes, silently telling me to comply.

"I can't leave you!" I shouted back.

"Run!" Blake shouted again but I didn't move. My feet stayed glued to the ground as my eyes inspected the damage: blood was all over the floor, Blake was tied up in a corner, Zane was tied and injured and Donald lay still on the cold floor.I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the steady rise and fall of his chest.

I came back to reality when I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Cassandra run!"

This time, I did. I tried hard to avoid running into any obstacles as tears clouded my vision. I hate running but I ran.

I can't believe I'm leaving the only people I have left. The only people that stayed by my side no matter what.

A nightmare.

That's what this is.

I never expected things to go so badly, I never expected to run into a freaking forest. A place where I was all alone, at past midnight...

I ran with lightening speed and didn't stop until I was deep into the forest. I finally rested to catch my breath.

Then I heard something...

"Hey beautiful"