Chapter 65: Observing the Hand and the Hateful Ghost

What do Chinese laborers abroad like?

Of course, they like whatever they lack!

Food and drink are certainly not an issue, but most of them have never truly enjoyed Africa's grasslands and the local culture at ease.

Camping, hunting, setting up a small shooting range for them to mess around with.

As long as food and drink are decent, once they get used to the guns, take them for a spin around the grasslands, let them hunt down an antelope or something, hire a chef to cook it up for them, ensure there's plenty of booze and safety, and have local girls sing and dance with them, then there's nothing else to worry about.

But this can only happen after the animal sanctuary is built, or else where would our compatriots stay, in Ad-Damazin's cramped hostels?

Let those whites "enjoy" those lousy rooms without air conditioning.

After sending Sayram off, Joe Ga was just about to go back to rest when Nis came looking for him.