Chapter 66 I Want to Know How Ignorant I Am

Antar was the most embarrassed person present!

Eric's attitude made Antar very uncomfortable; she had to grab Eric and whisper something to him in Swedish over and over.

While waiting for Nis to make a phone call, Joe Ga watched the interaction between Antar and Eric; he seemed to sense something...

The relationship between Antar and Eric didn't seem like that of friends; it was more akin to that of a star and a braindead fan.

In the eyes of an extreme braindead fan, an idol doesn't need to eat or defecate; their idol needs to act according to their imagination.

As the top-tier sniper idol in Eric's eyes, coming to SD, this godforsaken place to look for a job, certainly didn't fit Eric's imagination.

This was a desecration of his idol; once the idol acted in such a way, the braindead fan would feel as insulted as if it were a personal affront.

Having seen a clearer picture of the relationship between the two, Joe Ga suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for Antar.