The Beginning of the Transcendent War, Perfect Genetic Medicine (2)

To him, a reincarnator who was a person of the great power side.

There were no complete sets of cultivation techniques and secret manuals in this technological world.

After thinking about it.

The true value of this world to his strength growth was the special golden talent he obtained when unlocking extraordinary power.

This golden talent could be directly bound to the main plane world like the initial talent.

[Martial Saint of the Wilderness: You are the god of martial arts from the Wilderness. When you were born, your genes carried a powerful martial will!]

"All basic abilities of the body will be permanently increased by 300%. Physical attack damage will be increased by 500%. The upper limit of martial arts genes will be increased by 600%!]

[Your Extraordinary Divine Power can be attached to any item. The item will obtain divinity under your Extraordinary Power and provide an additional 350% attribute!]