The Beginning of the Transcendent War, Perfect Genetic Medicine (3)

All the karma formed in the reincarnation world would eventually fall on him alone.

Although the mark of reincarnation could seal his memories.

But wasn't that a kind of sadness?

If it wasn't for the fact that he had completely lost all thoughts and was only left with regret and pain…

Who would be willing to seal some of their precious memories in the bottom of their hearts?

The life and death separation in his previous life was enough to break his heart, so he was not willing to be easily affected in this life.



Han Longfei, the nominal leader of the Resistance, had returned.

All these years, he had stayed in N City.

Finally, the day of the uprising arrived.

When the time was right.

He immediately responded to the resistance's slogan.

They directly separated N City from the Cloud Sky Group and brought the entire N City into the arms of the Resistance.

After receiving the news.