The Beginning of the Transcendent War, Perfect Genetic Medicine 4

It made it more 'friendly to the people'!

It would allow more ordinary people to have the opportunity to touch the threshold of the supernatural.

In the past, the research of the Extraordinary Potion was the most confidential project in the Rebellion Army camp.

Therefore, the outside world had almost never heard of this matter.

Now, with the gradual emergence of research results.

Li Yueming began to instruct the few white glove companies that he had prepared in the past to sell them.

Extraordinary potion.

This was true for any corporation.

They were all strategic materials.

In the past, these drugs were controlled by Andre Company.

By controlling the supernatural potion, Andre Company made a lot of money.

It was the most fundamental existence that stood at the top of many corporations in the world.

And now.

However, a large number of extraordinary potions suddenly flowed out of the black market.

In the beginning.