140, awakening an ultimate lifeform, shocking the world!_2

His body was filled with energy that could destroy a large city.

It was surging chaotically in his body!!!

Under everyone's horrified gaze, the blood vessels of the short-haired SS+ class supernatural being suddenly burst open.

Countless drops of dark red blood surged toward the ferocious tentacle not far away like small snakes.

The blood was being sucked greedily by the tentacle. Even the transcendent genes and transcendent energy were being sucked away, but the SS+ class transcendent did not have the slightest bit of resistance. It was difficult for him to even move a finger!

After all the supernatural energy had been devoured.

The short-haired SS+ class supernatural being had been reduced to an ordinary person.

It was to the point that he could not even fly anymore.

He fell from a height of several hundred meters and smashed into a pile of meat paste.


Such a scene had stunned countless supernatural beings.

To them.