140, awakening an ultimate lifeform, shocking the world!_3

After injecting it into the body of an Extraordinary, it could accelerate the growth of the Extraordinary.

After all, Li Yueming's cell activity and strength were top-notch. If he was lucky, he could even help supernatural beings activate their second talent.

The effect of increasing his strength was very obvious.

But no matter what.

These cells and genes still belonged to Li Yueming, but they were temporarily stored in the bodies of other supernatural beings.

It was like a parasite that continuously strengthened itself by absorbing the energy from the body of an extraordinary person.

Usually, the Extraordinaires had no problem controlling this power.

But all of this was under the premise that Li Yueming didn't want to be calculative.

As long as Li Yueming was willing, he could take back those cells at any time.

The cells and genes that absorbed the energy of the supernatural being's body would feed back to Li Yueming, making him stronger.