Spending a Million Reincarnation Points to Return to Star-Moon City!_2

After all, there were many people who climbed up the ladder these days.

However, people like Li Yueming who took the initiative to draw a clear line between them were still relatively rare.

The most important thing was…

To befriend someone, the first step was often the hardest.

However, as long as he took this step, the subsequent good relations would actually be smooth sailing.

Thinking of this…

Wang Linlin didn't continue to struggle and sent a shy emoji."Since the newbie boss doesn't want to go further, let's start with being friends. How many secret manuals do you want to buy this time?"

Li Yueming looked at his 1.5 million reincarnation points.

If one secret manual was worth 200,000, he could buy seven of them with these reincarnation points.

However, Li Yueming obviously wouldn't squeeze all the reincarnation points in his pocket dry. It would be best to leave 500,000 reincarnation points for emergencies.