Spending a Million Reincarnation Points to Return to Star-Moon City!_3

Don't Bully the Poor (Ji Ning):"Lin Lin can come alone. Calling two brothers-in-law is a little uncivilized! (shivering)"


The group chat was very lively.

Last time, the maple leaf in the clouds had helped him to distinguish who was who.

Therefore, they had ordered all the members to add their real names to their nicknames.

Therefore, Li Yueming could finally recognize who was who among the messy names.

From the content of the conversation, the group of people should be quite familiar with each other.

Li Yueming liked the atmosphere of the Group chats.

After all, if dozens of people in the Group chats knew each other well, there would rarely be any credibility problems.

The probability of stepping into a pit during the transaction was also much lower, which could greatly save Li Yueming's transaction expenses.

After a few last glances at the Group chats he had some fun.

Li Yueming regained his composure.