Cultivation College Exam, Heading to Zhongzhou_3

Every three years, the Cultivation Academy would hold a major examination.

Under normal circumstances, apart from a very small number of particularly monstrous existences, the number of people in the world was extremely low.

The Cultivation Academy would not relax the assessment criteria based on the age of the candidates.

There was a limit to the number of students a cultivator academy could recruit, and all the assessment indicators were uniform.

Therefore, he had no choice.

Generally speaking, children between the ages of nine and ten would have an advantage.

Among Li Yueming's group of students.

Currently, the oldest was only seven or eight years old, and most of them had just become cultivators not long ago.

A considerable portion of them had not even broken through to the qi transforming realm.

Compared to those older children who had already cultivated for five to six years, it was naturally not enough.

That's why.