[165][Destiny's Chosen One Appears. Ultimate Hidden Mission unlocked!_1

PS: (The previous chapter has been unlocked, everyone can look back!))

In the inn.

A man with triangular eyes walked down the stairs.

He looked at Wang Ziwei beside the counter with a mocking expression.

Hearing the voice, Wang Ziwei also turned his head.

When his eyes met with the triangular-eyed man.

All the students could feel the coldness emanating from Wang Ziwei.

He sized up the other party.

Wang Ziwei suppressed his anger and replied coldly,""Ke ke, Qiao Qian, what does my taking in a disciple have to do with you? As for you, I wonder if you've heard of the saying that dogs don't block the way?"

Hearing the words 'a good dog doesn't block the way'.

The triangular-eyed man who was called Qiao Qian by Wang Ziwei had obviously been stepped on.

His eyes revealed a trace of anger.