Don't Ask, If You Ask, You'll Be Innate Rebel!_2

" Six years ago, when the Starmoon Troop with only 5,000 troops arrived at Northern Ice River Town, there were only less than 10,000 people in the town. Out of these 10,000 people, about 80% were hunters and herbalists. This group of people could not be considered as the permanent population…"

"Therefore, at that time, Northern Ice River Town only had less than a thousand permanent residents!"

" But ever since General Li took over Northern Ice River Town, the development of Northern Ice River Town and the Star-Moon Army has really changed every day. First of all, Northern Ice River Town. The first thing General Li did after taking office was to rectify the streets and hygiene of Northern Ice River Town..."

Zhang San rambled on about some trivial matters of the past.

He spoke very slowly, not forgetting to add in all the details.

After all, he could only explain the various difficulties and challenges he had encountered back then in detail.