Don't Ask, If You Ask, You'll Be Innate Rebel!_3

He would take things one step at a time in the future!

After finally calming down, the group of reincarnators began to gather and analyze the various data they had obtained.

After all, no matter how one looked at it, data was a million times more accurate than human rhetoric.

Li Yueming could lie with his mouth, and Zhang San could also lie with his mouth.

However, the numbers would not lie.

They had already confirmed that this was all the financial statements of Northern Glacier Town in the past years.

In such a short period of time, no one could forge it.

Therefore, as long as he could analyze the data, he would be able to know the true movements of Northern Glacier Town and the Star-Moon Army.

However, one wouldn't know without analyzing it.

An analysis, a fright, a jump.

From the financial and food expenditure of the past years, he analyzed all kinds of signs.

The reincarnators came to a very shocking conclusion.