Rich People, Strong Army, Northern Glacier Town's Reforms!_3

At the same time, all the fertile land in the lower reaches of the Northern Ice River and other towns were planted with the No. 3 wheat seed carefully cultivated by the beast tamers, as well as other crops that increased production.

In just a few years.

The food production of the Northern Glacier Town military group was rising steadily.

The lives of the people under his command were improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding Qin and Zhou countries suddenly realized: Ten years ago, the northwest region was still on the verge of death. Smoke and flames of war were everywhere, and a tremendous vitality that made people panic suddenly burst out!

Everyone was extremely suspicious of the rapid development of Northern Glacier Town.

Weren't the western and northern regions of the Great Zhou famous for being barren?

Why was it that under the governance of the Starmoon Army, the vitality that burst forth was even stronger than those fertile lands?