Translate, Translate, What is a Surprise?_1

Twenty years ago, when they had just announced their departure from the Great Zhou, Northern Ice River Town was still a small city. Although the entire northwest region was nominally under the jurisdiction of Northern Ice River Town, in reality, it had not received the recognition of everyone.

It was not until the war with the Great Zhou that shocked the world that Li Yueming led the Star Moon Army to fight against the entire Great Zhou with the strength of the northwest. In the end, the insufferably arrogant Great Zhou army was defeated and fled all the way back to the front line of the Dragon Conqueror Pass, not daring to show up again.

Only then did the Starmoon Troop officially become famous among the countries of the world.

At the same time, they had also subdued the Great Zhou and Great Qin, who were eyeing them covetously. Through this, they had obtained more than 20 years of precious peace in this chaotic world.