Translate, Translate, What is a Surprise?_2

In the past countless years, the imperial court and the Zhenbei army would recruit soldiers outside the pass. If they could not recruit soldiers, they would even be forced to recruit.

Most of the time, the people complained about this. After all, the military conscripted young men from their families every year. They were considered strong laborers and often took care of the entire family.

Not only was his life in danger, but he would also not get much reward.

Therefore, if it wasn't for the disastrous year where they couldn't even eat their fill, the people would be extremely reluctant to recruit soldiers.

But now, when he heard that the Starmoon Army was recruiting soldiers.

However, the people of the entire northwest region were all flocking to it.

As soon as the news was released, the young and middle-aged laborers lining up at the entrance of the Star Moon Army even surrounded the entire Star Moon Army headquarters in North Ice River Town.