Lightning Battle, Shocking the World!_2

Even if 300,000 Starmoon Troops were to come out in full strength a few years ago, the defending troops of Wing City should be more than enough to hold them off for a period of time.

As long as they were not immediately breached, they could wait for the troops of the other cities to react and immediately send reinforcements.


No matter how one looked at it, this arrangement was very reasonable.

However, despite all their calculations and considerations, they had missed out on one point, which was that they did not have a clear idea of the expansion speed of the Starmoon Troop.

The Great Zhou Empire was still comparing the difference in strength between the two sides with the strength of the Star Moon Army 20 years ago. They did not expect that 20 years had already been enough to tilt the balance of strength between the two sides!

The Starmoon Troop moved like lightning.