Lightning Battle, Shocking the World!_3

The sudden appearance of the Star Moon Army had caused all the officials and soldiers in Jincheng to collapse.

After taking down Jincheng, the Star Moon Army had a second base. The army's vanguard became more and more unstoppable. In just half a month, they had taken down eight cities in a row. Seven of them were medium-sized cities, and only one was slightly larger.

The Star Moon Troop didn't stay in these cities, nor did they station troops in these cities. They just swept away the provisions and weapons in the barracks and left without stopping.

After all, for such a small city, it was fine if the city walls were not high, but they had been in disrepair for a long time.

There was no way to defend at all.

Only big cities like Wing City and Jincheng, which had a certain military strength, could allow the Star Moon Army to station there.

With these two cities, the Star-Moon Army would have the initiative in the war in the east.