Origin Spiritual Power, Perfect Merit!_2

Zhao Hechuan couldn't help but shiver. He lowered his head and said,""Before…Senior, this is your... Your methods?"

Li Yueming neither admitted nor denied it, he just said lightly,""Lead the way!"

She heard his voice.

Zhao Hechuan seemed to have woken up from a dream. He wiped the cold sweat that had appeared on his face and continued to lead the way.

However, what he did not know was…

What happened just now was not the end of the nightmare, but the beginning!

In the following journey, every time the two of them broke into a dungeon, there would be guards who were alarmed. However, the fate of these guards in front of Li Yueming was surprisingly the same.

That was to be dead!

He didn't see Li Yueming move at all.

However, no matter which prison guard it was, they would always die without any suspense when facing him.

Zhao Hechuan had thought that the journey would be filled with danger, but it was so smooth that he started to doubt his life.