Origin Spiritual Power, Perfect Merit!_3

Although the Heart Returning Mainland was only a drop in the ocean compared to the Nine Regions, it was still a small world.

However, it was still an independent world.

When his strength was far inferior to Nine Regions, it was naturally impossible for him to have any relationship with Nine Regions.

He didn't want to be annexed by Nine Regions and become a part of Nine Regions.

As a result, when it sensed his appearance, the world's consciousness immediately woke up.

After pondering for a moment, Li Yueming said,""I'm only here to bring back a few cultivators who were left behind here. As for the Great Gan Lord Dynasty and the Nine Regions... I do know, but why should I tell you?"

The world's consciousness would exist for millions or tens of millions of years.

That was a dog of a dog.

Although the consciousness of this world looked a little weak, other than having a bigger chest, it was probably poorer in other aspects.