Starry Sky Martial Arts School!

One had to know that this was a cultivation method jointly formulated by the peak martial artists of all the major planets in the universe.

The more he deduced, the deeper he went.

Even Li Yueming couldn't help but be intoxicated.

If the Star Moon Art that he created himself was the most suitable cultivation method for him.

Then, the " Third Cultivation Plan for Individual Mighty Power Warriors " was the most suitable plan for all intelligent life forms in the universe to cultivate martial arts.

In order to gather the power of the entire universe to defend against the foreign forces, the Alliance of Law did not hide anything in this regard.

Of course, even if they had kept their thoughts to themselves at the beginning, after so many years of war, the higher-ups of the Alliance of Law and Order had long been awakened. If they couldn't abandon internal strife and unite against the outside world, the Alliance of Law would have been defeated long ago.