Starry Sky Aristocrat Martial Arts School

Right now, he was looking at the huge school gate that towered into the clouds.

Li Yueming was also secretly surprised.

After all, he had entered many reincarnation worlds. However, this so-called Starry Sky Aristocrat Martial Arts School was truly unique to the school gates that could be built in such a grand manner.

There were not many students at the entrance.

After all, most of the students who studied here stayed in school to board. Only students like Li Yueming who couldn't afford the expensive boarding fees would choose to go to school.

He took out his campus card and swiped it through the access control machine. A clear mechanical voice sounded,"Li Yueming, Grade 12 Class 6, identity verified! Student Li Yueming, it is said that you have taken seven days off due to health reasons. Is your body alright now that you have returned to school?"