Chapter 180 Can't Say It's Not Human_1

Catching a snake and earning cash and points?

The two of them watched Feng Yi's series of actions in silence.

So, this guy can make pocket money just by coming out to pay a New Year's visit?

Is this the legendary "With a skill in hand, you won't starve"?

They knew from the internet that Feng Yi could catch snakes, but only by witnessing it firsthand did they truly realize how effortlessly he did it!

How come they never knew about Feng Yi's talent before?!

Feng Qian recalled what Feng Yi used to be like, but quickly snapped out of it, realizing now was not the time to analyze these things!

Xiao Feng Mountain, this remote area, is almost beyond Yang City's boundaries. You hardly see a soul along the way, and Feng Yi running here during the New Year's surely meant he was headed for the same destination as they were!

The ancestral temple!

Feng Qian tensed up, his thoughts racing.