Half a Year

In the following days, Bai Chuan returned to his peaceful life and slowly accumulated points. Because his crawling speed and his digestive ability had increased, he had expanded his territory again.

Where did the enlarged territory come from? Of course, it was because he had invaded the territory of other creatures.

Invading meant a battle. After all, no matter how big the mountain range and forest were, there were more creatures inside.

No matter which area it was, there was an overlord. For example, before Bai Chuan expanded his territory, the surroundings of his territory were occupied by wolves in the east, wild boars in the west, a black bear in the south. As for the north?

It was a huge river that spread in all directions. He even suspected that the previous stream that he often drank from was a tributary of this river. He had once seen a beautiful feline covered in black spots on the other side of the river. It was a leopard.

As for now, perhaps because he had slaughtered a wolf pack previously, there were many territories left in the east. And his expanded territory occupied this area. Therefore, he had experienced many battles during this period of time. He had taken the initiative to attack and dealt with them passively.

In an instant, many new wounds appeared on his scales. At the same time, because he had evolved the vision he was used to when he was human, he no longer had the visual weakness of snakes.

Therefore, Bai Chuan began to try to collect some creatures with extremely powerful characteristics, such as ants.

It was a pity that his ideals were beautiful, but reality was very harsh.

These small animals were too small. In addition, Bai Chuan did not dare to eat them recklessly because he was afraid that he would die if he did.

One had to know that many illnesses entered through the mouth.

Therefore, it was too difficult to collect models in this area, so he gave up. Because the scanning speed was too low, and Bai Chuan didn't have the tools to save insects like ants, he could scan them at all times.

Therefore, he had gone through the hard work of staring and scanning more than half of it the day before yesterday. In the end, because he could not take it anymore and rested for a while, the target disappeared the next day or that night.

Thus, the plan failed again.

Fortunately, he did not have much expectations in this aspect. After all, with such a huge disparity in size between them, no one knew if those ability structures would be too compatible.

However, he now had some understanding of compatibility. He realized that most of the abilities with low compatibility seemed to be related to external limbs. Of course, there was no need to mention this.

At this point, he realized that he seemed to have fallen into a predicament. He did not have enough points, and he did not have any particularly powerful abilities to increase his combat strength. He was surrounded by a group of powerful beings.

After discovering this problem, he thought about it carefully for a night and realized that his evolution time was still too short and his foundation was not enough because he had grown too quickly. It seemed that he needed to settle down for a while and wait for his points to increase.

At the same time, he had a plan in his heart. A plan that would be of great help to him in future battles. However, this required him to carefully think of a plan.

This also required time.


Time slowly passed.

In the blink of an eye, half a year had passed.

On this day, by the river.

Under the vigilance of their companions, a few deer lowered their heads and carefully drank the river water. A pair of black and clever eyes kept looking around, afraid that a predator would suddenly attack from behind or a huge creature would pounce out of the water.

However, at this moment, accompanied by a gurgling sound and a series of bubbles rising, a huge black shadow came down from the water. It was shaped like a snake and a dragon, extremely agile. Soon, he seemed to have discovered his target. His body suddenly stopped and he swam towards the shore.

At this moment, the deer were still drinking water in a daze, unaware of the danger that was approaching.


A loud bang sounded in the next moment. Crystal clear water splashed in all directions, turning into a drizzle that fell in this small place.

Accompanied by the appearance of the water curtain was a huge snake with its bloody mouth wide open. The scales on the back of this snake were pitch-black and emitted a metallic luster. It looked extremely hard.

Only his abdomen still had a few sets of golden scales that formed mysterious patterns. These golden scales shone brightly under the sunlight.

This sudden change and the huge mouth in front of them frightened the deer and they fled for their lives. For a moment, dust rose everywhere. The rabbits and squirrels drinking water not far away disappeared completely.

The instigator of all this was secretly laughing in his heart. This was none other than Bai Chuan half a year later. Ever since he had strengthened his ability to dive and breathe underwater, he liked to dive into the water for no reason. He wanted to get rid of the psychological trauma from half a year ago.

During this period of time, after accidentally coming ashore and scaring a group of animals, he suddenly found a way to relieve the pressure. That was to scare these animals drinking water and let him vent the pressure accumulated in his heart.

Bai Chuan was happy for a while as he looked at his masterpiece before preparing to leave. Suddenly, he was stunned. From the corner of his eye, he noticed something on the ground. Looking down, he saw that the ground was in a mess. There were all kinds of footprints and mud marks everywhere.

In the midst of the mess, an anomaly appeared. It was a small sika deer that had collapsed to the ground.

"Huh? What's going on?" A deer lying on the ground? Bai Chuan remembered that he didn't attack. Could this be a scam from the animal world?

Bai Chuan approached and carefully sized up the small sika deer lying on the ground. Only then did he understand the situation. This deer was probably a young deer that had just reached adulthood. This should be the first time it was frightened by him, but it was too timid and was frightened to death by him.

"Damn, he's really… really timid." After realizing this, Bai Chuan was speechless. He did not expect to be able to pick up food from a normal scare game. It was really interesting. After carefully sizing up the size of this deer and realizing that he could swallow it, he no longer hesitated.

It seemed that he had saved a day of hunting.


In a huge and luxurious cave that Bai Chuan had dug himself, a 5.3-meter-long snake was coiled inside.

Yes, 5.3 meters.

In the past six months, even if he did not strengthen his physique, his body size had naturally increased to 5.3 meters, and his thickness had increased a lot.