A Precious New Model

At this moment, Bai Chuan opened his interface again.

[Name: Bai Chuan.]

[Race: King Cobra.]

[Length: 5.3 meters.]

[Lifespan: 7 years and 4 months.]

[Points: 26 (61%)]

[Abilities: Final Growth Lv 2, Snake Venom Lv 2, Agility Lv 2, Strength Lv 2, Clairvoyance Lv 2, Scales Lv 2, Energy Conservation Lv 1, Danger Perception Lv 1, Flexibility Lv 1, Swimming Lv 1, Digestion Absorption Lv 1, Digging Lv 1, Thermal Cheek Cavities Lv 1, Diving Lv 1, Underwater Breathing Lv 1…]

[Ability Structure Library: Brocade Snake, Frog, Grasshopper, Vine Snake, Glede, Water Snake, African Thorny Rat…]


These were the various gains that Bai Chuan had made in the past six months.

It was worth mentioning that the data displayed on his interface had finally become much richer. Now, he could clearly confirm his current size. The appearance of this ability was on a certain day of the past six months. He looked at his growing body size but did not know how long it had reached. He was a little troubled.

Unexpectedly, the interface seemed to have received his distress. When he opened the interface, a function was suddenly updated.

That was the statistical function of size.

This made Bai Chuan realize that this interface probably had many hidden functions that he did not understand. For example, the Level 1 Agility that had appeared for no reason half a year ago and the Scale that had suddenly upgraded to level 2 during this period of time made him a little confused.

Unfortunately, this thing was a dead thing. There was not even an instruction manual on the interface.

Other than that, his biggest gain was that after half a year, he had finally saved up 30 points. However, because he had occasionally strengthened a few auxiliary abilities during this period of time, such as Digging and Diving, he was only left with 26 points.

However, these points were especially abundant. One had to know that a Level 2 ability was only worth two points. The only pity was that he had not found an ability above Level 3 after such a long time.

Recalling that he was a king cobra that had almost no natural enemies in the food chain, his ability level had only reached Level 2. Bai Chuan guessed that perhaps only the overlords at the top of the pyramid were worthy of having a Level 3 ability. If the truth was as he had guessed, then Level 3 might mean the power of the king.

After recalling his gains during this period of time, Bai Chuan finally looked at the extremely precious model that he had been extremely lucky to hunt in the past few days. It was also a model that he had just finished analyzing today—

African spiny mouse.

This was an animal whose name alone was intriguing. For a time, Bai Chuan thought that he was in the world he was familiar with, or another continent of the world he used to be in. However, the clothes of the human corpses he had seen previously made him a little confused.

Bai Chuan, who couldn't figure it out, couldn't be bothered with this. Instead of paying attention to this, he might as well think about how to become stronger.

Why was this model extremely precious?

It had something to do with his ability.

[Race: African Spiny Mouse.]

[Ability: Reproduction Lv 2, Smell Lv 2, Forced Shedding Lv 1, Regeneration Lv 1, Intelligence Lv 1, Digging Lv 1, Climbing Lv 1…]

Many of the abilities of the African spiny mouse were no different from the rats that Bai Chuan usually saw. However, there were two special abilities, Forced Shedding Lv 1 and Regeneration Lv 1.

[Forced Shedding: When the host encounters a dangerous predator, most of the skin tissue on the body can be forcefully shed to attract the attention of the predator and escape.]

[Regeneration: When the host is injured, it will quickly consume biological energy to recover the wound.]

The first ability was not very useful. It was an ability that belonged to the weak. However, the second ability was Regeneration. This was extraordinarily useful.


This was a superpower that many powerful predators could not obtain. In this dangerous forest, even tigers at the top of the pyramid, overlords like brown bears did not dare to say that they would definitely not be injured. All they could do was be careful.

Because once they were injured, it meant that their condition was not good and their combat strength would rapidly decrease. At this time, it was extremely difficult to deal with the invasion of their own kind or hunt. If they were unlucky enough to encounter an inflamed wound or infection, even the King of the Jungle would die. After all, those microorganisms were the real ruthless beings who killed without spilling blood.

Therefore, survival in the wild was the highest priority. This was also the reason why some could sneak attack when it came upon the dignified King of the Jungle. All of this was to obtain the highest reward without getting injured.

Once he had the ability of Regeneration, these overlords would even dare to fight him head-on and exchange injuries for injuries without worrying about their own injuries. It had to be known that under normal circumstances, those overlords would not go all out so as to avoid being injured.

It was already not bad if they could use 70% of their strength. Only when faced with a desperate situation would they display their full strength when they were on the verge of death. Now that he had this ability, he could basically make those overlords activate their full strength at any time.

Simply put, this was the ability of the strong to be strong and the weak to be weak. The effect on different hosts was simply worlds apart.

If Bai Chuan strengthened this ability, at least his life-saving ability would increase exponentially. Just thinking about it made him excited. This ability added some insurance to Bai Chuan's plan.

The process that he was already very familiar with appeared again. The difference was that this time, two models soared into the sky. One was the enhanced glede model that he had previously grabbed again, and the other was the African spiny mouse model that he had just obtained.

Bai Chuan took the Regeneration ability from the model of the African spiny rat first. Then, he placed it in his body. Perhaps because the ability belonged to the genetic aspect, it did not have external limbs.

Therefore, as soon as he put it down, it automatically fused, and its compatibility was as high as 90%. Immediately after, he took out Strength Lv 1 (Chest Mutation) from the glede model and placed it inside the snake's body, one-third below the head.

It was also the part where the muscle was close to the ground when the king cobra raised its head and propped up one-third of its body.

This was the best position he had found during this period of time. The reason why he did not strengthen it in advance was because of the strengthening of his Regeneration ability. He was afraid that the two would conflict.

As the abilities fused, a huge muscle bulge. At the same time, the Level 2 Agility in his interface was reduced to Level 1.

However, Bai Chuan ignored it.

The next moment, he pulled out Claw Lv 2 from the glede model again and placed it where the muscle block was. In an instant, as the two abilities fused, a miracle happened.