After burying prince Brandon, Ryan, Clark and Stella head for an unknown city.
Meanwhile someone named Lucy is in the palace and the whole palace is in despair.
A guard runs into the throne room panting.
"What's happening, king jack asked ".
"She's here, the guard said".
"Who's here, king jack asked ".
"The witch. The devil herself. Does that ring a bell, the guard asked?".
King jack gets up from his throne immediately.
"She's here and you're just telling me now?". "Are you trying to kill me or what, king jack asked?".
Immediately, Lucy walks in.
"I hope you two aren't talking about me, Lucy asked ".
"Not at all my queen, the guard said as he runs out ".
"Hey don't leave me here all alone, king jack shouted ".
"You know that's not nice darling, Lucy said ".
"Okay now you're hurting my feelings, Lucy said".
"Am sorry ". "How have you been, king jack asked".
"Surviving, Lucy answered".
"So the kids kinda unlocked their hidden abilities and now they are on their way to meet Luke, king jack said".
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait ...they did what!!!!!!!!!!!!, Lucy asked".
"Am dead, king jack said".
"You sent our kids to meet Luke". "Are you insane?!!!!!, Lucy asked with rage".
"Hey you left one with amber so let's not start with the sanity game, king jack said".
"Are you indirectly calling me insane, Lucy asked".
"Not really but more importantly the kids need our help". "There's an upcoming war and they're planning on sending the kids to infiltrate the enemy but first they have to be prepared to risk it all for the sake of peace, king jack said".
"Am not putting our kids lives on the line for a stupid war". "Can't you call a truce or something, Lucy asked".
"Charlie said they won't accept our peace offering". "They only speak the blood language, king jack said".
"You are the worst father and king to be ever born, Lucy said".
"Just let amber know we're taking our daughter back and make sure she gets to Luke with the others, king jack said".
"Sure, Lucy said as she walks out".
"Well that went well, king jack said as he sighs in relief".
In front of an abandoned house.
"I think no one's home, Ryan said".
"There's no way Charlie would send us here knowing that nothing is here, Clark said as there is a movement in the bushes beside them"
"You must be Clark, a man with black hair looking untidy and smelly said".
"And you are, Stella asked with a look of disgust".
"Luke". "Nice to meet you all". "Am your trainer and if we get along real good, you should go out of here in six months, Luke said".
"Six months?!, Stella exclaimed".
"Let's get moving". "We don't want the snakes to keep us company, Luke said as he starts to walk leaving the others behind".
"This should be fun, Ryan said as he walks with Clark in the direction Luke went".
"Wait up!!, Stella shouted as she runs after them".
In another kingdom.
"Where have you been, Henry asked".
"And why do you suddenly care, AJ asked".
"I don't but mum does so you better go see her and make sure to ask her for some clothes so you don't embarrass the family at aunt Gwen's wedding, Henry said as he walks away".
"I just hate seeing him, AJ said as he walks away".
In the queen's chambers, AJ walks in.
"Good day my queen, AJ said with a smile".
"Hello AJ". "Where have you been, the queen asked.
"It's a long story ". "I will fill you in later, AJ said".
"Okay go get ready and we will see downstairs,the queen said as AJ takes a bow and walks away".
"I hope you know what you are doing my queen". "He's just a child- an innocent one at that, a Maid said".
"Just finish my hair". "AJ will find a way and it's not like his father gave me a choice- greendia must not win this war or we are doomed". "He's our only chance at beating them because he's like them in a way, the queen said".
"I hope you are right". "I really do, the maid said with a smirk".