6 Months Later.
"Your training is complete now it's time for the main part of the plan, infiltrating Red Ville. You have to be very smart about it or you all will blow your cover. Remember find the secret weapon and destroy it for the good of Greendia. Now Ryan you're in charge and you get to call the shots. Stella I need you to find a way to get close to someone in the royal family especially someone who is entitled to all the weapons room. Clark you observe and report back to Ryan. Nora you need to find the person who's creating the secret weapon and find a way to distract them or maybe even kill if need be. Now I have taught you all you need to know. Trust in each other and your powers and you will make it out of there alive. Is that clear, Luke asked.
Yes sir, they all responded.
In front of Red Ville.
How are we going to get in without using our powers, Stella asked.
We'll figure something out, Ryan said as a vehicle approached them.
I think I have an idea, Stella said as she created an icicle.
What are you planning you little devil, Ryan asked as Stella aimed the icicle at the tyre of the vehicle and it stopped moving.
Immediately a boy taller than Ryan walked out with two men beside him.
What's wrong, AJ asked.
I have no idea, the chauffeur said.
Now's our chance, Stella said as she ran towards AJ.
Stay away, one of the men shouted.
Hey it's okay, AJ said.
Am so sorry to bother you but I need your help, Stella said.
What's wrong, AJ asked.
My younger brother is bleeding so badly and he needs help. He might die soon, Stella said as she faked tears.
Where is he,AJ asked.
Over there, Stella said as she pointed towards the direction she came from.
Get the healer immediately, AJ said.
But my prince we can't leave you all alone, the other man said.
I can protect myself. Now do as I say,AJ said as they ran to the gates.
Take me to your brother, AJ said as she runs towards her remaining siblings and AJ followed her.
As they got towards where Ryan and the others were, Stella used her water ability to trip AJ and he falls. She kept on running till she got there.
Am so sorry Clark, Stella said as she aimed three icicles at Clark stomach and they penetrate through.
That got to hurt, Nora said.
Why did you do that, Ryan asked.
Just pretend like he's dying and make it convincing or I'll do even worse to you, Stella said.
Look at you taking charge, Nora said.
Same goes for you, Stella said as AJ ran towards them and panted heavily.
You really can run, AJ said.
Am so sorry, Stella said.
Oh my god it's really bad, AJ said.
Can you help him, Stella asked.
Let's get him to the kingdom first and see what the healers can do, AJ said.
Okay, Stella said as Ryan Carried Clark and they walked towards the kingdom gates.
Nice plan girl, Nora said.
Don't screw it, Stella said as the kingdom gates opened.
Welcome to Red Ville,AJ said as they all walked in and the gates closed behind them.