The Start To Something Legendary

In a room filled with people wearing blue overalls and transparent face shields,Clark is seen on a bed with icicles still in his stomach and a lot of blood gushing out.

We are going to lose him if they don't do something fast,Nora said.

What were you thinking aiming icicles at your brother,Ryan asked?.

Well we needed a way to enter here without being suspicious and I didn't see you two coming up with an idea anytime soon,Stella said.

We need to stop him from losing blood or he is going to die,Ryan said.

I need a distraction,Stella said.

What about your illusion,Ryan asked?.

I still need to heal Clark,Stella said.

Can you guys speed up the argument? Clark's life is on the line, Nora said.

Here it goes, Stella said and immediately the king of Red Ville walks in.

Long live the King ,they all said as they bow.

What is going on here , the King said.

We have a patient who was brought by the prince ,a lady said.

What happened, the King said.

He is losing a lot of blood, the lady said.

Where is the healer, the King asked?.

She is on her way ,the lady said.

On her way,I want all of you out of here now. Go and look for her , the King commanded.

Yes my King , the lady said as they all ran out and immediately the King vanishes into thin air.

Nice one girl ,Nora said.

Now to heal Clark,Stella said as she walks towards him.

Make it quick ,Ryan said as water came out from Stella's hand and she touches the injured part of Clark's body and it starts to close.

In two minutes Clark's body looks good as new and he wakes up.

What happened ,Clark said.

Stella saved you ,Nora said.

She nearly killed me ,Clark said.

You're welcome ,Stella said.

Now that we are in, what do we do now ,Nora said .

We settle in and then find out who has access to the secret weapon,Ryan said.

But before that I need to bandage Clark, Stella said.

Why?,Clark asked.

We don't want anyone suspecting us. If they see your wounds healed up,they would suspect you, Stella said.

She has a point,Ryan said.

I'll look for clues on where to find the secret weapon,Nora said.

I'm going to find out the people who have access to it,Stella said.

Report back here by night. I'll stay with the prince to figure things out,Ryan said.

What about me?, Clark asked.

You have to stay here for a little while,Ryan said.

Sure,Clark said.

Be careful when you're investigating. We don't want anyone finding out what we're doing. Remember the fate of Greendia is in our hands,Ryan said.

Let's do this,Stella said as they all smile.