Anne or Beast

It was night time in Amphibia,the enormous mosquitos flew ahead as a turquoise frog burst out the doors of a place called 'Stumpy's Diner'.

" Goodnight you frogs! " He says hopping out of the diner.

"See ya in tomorrow," he states before crashing into some barrels while the other frogs laughed at him.

The clumsy frog walked along the path of the woods playing his concertina and humming to himself,when suddenly he hears rustling from some bushes.

" H-hello? " He says a tad bit scared.

He looked behind him into the eary forest,he jumped in fear when something raced passed him from behind.He turned around in a flash,

" Huh?What was that?" He says to himself nervous.

He backs up close to a bush looking around bewildered when suddenly something enormous rises from the bush staring at him as he turned around much to his horror.

" A-ah!No!No!No!No!"

His screams loudly at the figure as his cry echoed through the night.

It was morning,and every frog citizen of the town were living there life normally.A snail pulled up at a place called 'Grub and Go'.The snail stopped as the old frog on board told it to,he turned to the two younger frogs and spoke.

"Alright kids,I'mma do a little shoppin',you watch the cart," he says.

" You got it Hop Pop!I'll defend this cart with my life! " One of the younger frogs said.

" Sprig, I was talking to Polly," Hop Pop said gesturing towards the tadpole in the bucket.

" W-what?Polly's a baby! " Spring commented

" You're a baby! " Polly fired back.

" Polly's got more responsibility in her little flipper than you have in you entire body, " Hop Pop stated as Sprig became defiant.

" Ridiculous!What makes you think I'm irresponsible? " Sprig questioned.

" Oh gee,let me think, " Hop Pop said sarcastically as he recalled multiple events that have proven Sprig was very much irresponsible." Ok so yesterday was a bad day, " Sprig stated as Hop Pop hummed and hopped out of the cart turning to Polly. " Polly!Make sure Sprig stays in the cart, " He states before going inside the store.

Sprig sighs leaning on the cart," wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof up," Sprig says.

As if right on cue,the turquoise frog from last night bursts through some tall grass screaming his head off.

" monster!T-t-there's a monster in the woods!I-I-I seen it!I seen it! " He explains panicked as local frogs and the a toad gather around him chattering in concern.

"Now simmer down Wally,just tell us what you saw," The toad spoke as Wally began to explain.

" Oh it was horrifying!H-he had two heads,one in front and the other on its back!It had a weird stumpy bump right in the middle of both its faces,and eight long spinly legs! " He stated as the locals gasp in horror.

" We'd better catch this beast before it hurts somebody,because,for Mayor Toadstool your safety comes first, " The Mayor says as a banner with Mayor on it stands above him.Everyone clapped as Sprig and Polly watched from the cart interested." Polly,I just had a great idea!I am going to catch that beast and save the town! " Sprig said but Polly stopped him.

"Stop right there!Hop Pop said that you had to stay in the cart,you know you can't take me! " Polly states as Sprig looks at her with a neutral face.

"O-o-o,look Polly!Candy, " Sprig say blowing a rasberry as he dropped the candy on the cart floor.

" Bribe accepted! " She yells eating the candy.

" Let the monster hunt,begin! " Sprig says hopping away from the cart.

" Don't die! " Polly yells.


Sprig raced through the woods in search of the monster,aiming his sling shot around.He had finally found foot prints," hmm seems like the beast roams these parts, " Sprig thinks," Probably a good place to loo-ah! " Sprig yells as he is hoisted off the ground by a trap,dangling by his foot.Rustling was heard in the tall grass as he looked to see a figure step out,breathing heavily as they spoke," got ya!Thought you got the best of old anne ey?Well you didn't, " the creature known as Anne stated.Sprig gasped,"Giant hands,spinly legs,face bump!Wait where's the other head and limbs,did they disperse!" He shouts.

" Stop,following us," Anne states angrily as Sprig glares.

" I have bad news for you beast!I taste terrible! " Sprig states as Anne makes a disgusted look.

" Ew,I am not going to eat you,especially not her," Anne said as another creature like her walked out of the tall grass.

" I think I need to see a doctor- "

" A-ah,you two tried to eat Wally!With your two heads and such! " Spring pointed accusingly.

" I tried to ask 'Wally' for help,he ran off screaming the second he saw me.And I was carrying,what's her name,oh ya!Y/n on my back," Anne said as the girl known as Y/n paced around biting her nails and yelling out a name," M-marcy! "

" That does sound like Wally, " Sprig stated.

A sudden roar was heard not to far away as Y/n yelled and raced passed the two in conversation." It's coming back! " Anne said fearfully starting to chase after Y/n grabbing her spear.

" What is?Where ya goin'? " Sprig asked fearfully.As the screeching got louder,Anne noticed Sprig was having trouble getting away.She was reluctant but eventually went back,and cut the rope,grabbing Sprig and running away into a log." Ow! " Y/n said as Anne's foot hit her in the face, " sorry,sorry! " Anne says as they all go quiet while the creature passes by.They soon sighed in relief as Sprig turned to Anne a bit surprised.

" You saved me,you're not a beast.You're a hero!An ugly,ugly,ugly hero!And I'm assuming you're the ugly sidekick, " Sprig stated.

" Call me ugly again and maybe I will eat you, " Anne said as Y/n scrunched her face up.

Sprig only laughed," you're not gonna eat me,do you got names strangers? "

" My names Anne,Anne Boonchuy," Anne states,

" and you've already heard this is Y/n," Anne said.

" Good Evening ," she says as Anne gives her a neutral look.

" I'm Sprig Plantar,put er' there, " he says extending his hand to both the girls.Y/n and Anne shook at the same time and pulled away with slim on there hands," uh,so your hand just barfed on our hands, " Anne said disgusted as Y/n simply shook it off, Anne's stomach growled.

" Ok,Sprig.Ya got anything to eat? " Anne asks.

" Sure do! " Sprig says moving a piece of bark revealing bugs," something that's not bugs, " she states looking very much uncomfortable." No bugs ey? " Sprig paused as he ate one of the creepy crawlies." We'll have to hunt around a bit,come on follow me! " Sprig says racing out of the log." How do I know if we can trust you? " Anne says suspiciously.