Best Fronds

Anne awoke shouting,her face was sweating and she needed to take a breather." Guys!Guys!Guys!I just had the craziest dream I was trapped in a world of frog peop-Oh, " Anne paused looking at the Plantar's who were all staring at her." They gave me the same look too, " Y/n said staring at Anne.

" Hey Anne!Y/n!Sleep good? " Sprig asked advancing forward but Hop Pop quickly stopped him.

" Careful boy!It could be hungry. "

" For your guts, " Polly added.

Y/n only sighed in annoyance as Anne's gaze went from her to the Plantars." Dude,relax,I am not going to eat something that clearly doesn't bathe, " Anne spoke up as Hop Pop glared at her." Fair point, " Hop Pop finally says.

" See!Told you they were harmless, " Sprig stated.

" Hmph!For now, " Hop Pop said leaving as Polly jumped out of her bucket and stood on the stair steps.

" Just give me an excuse to use old doris here, " Polly says before leaving.

" I'm in danger,with no source of weapon or security,like in that one Duo match me and Marcy played, " Y/n says a bit sad as Anne speaks up," I think the little one wants to kill us."

" Yup!So,you must so excited to be trapped in another world,very jealous, " Sprig commented.

Y/n look nervously at the floor.

" It's not all that,I miss my home,my stuff and friends.I mean I have Y/n here but.... " Anne says glancing at Y/n who was staring at a picture of her own.She didn't seem to be listening to Anne and Sprig's conversation much." We weren't...that close," Anne says to Sprig as he glances as the other girl for a brief moment." Without them,I just feel kinda lost ya know,and the fact that Y/n reminds me of hurts," Anne continues.Sprig seemed to be in thought.

" Well then,why don't I be your friends in the mean time! " Sprig declares as Anne looks at him.

" You? "" Me! " Sprig shouts happily." You? " Y/n says quietly finally paying attention.

" Come on!It will be fun!What did you guys do together? " Sprig questioned.

" Everything!Marathon,dumb tv shows,drink Boba till we vomited,hung out at the beach- " Anne explained until Sprig snapped his finger having an idea." Oh!We've got a lake,would going there mean making you two feel less home sick? " Sprig questioned as Anne examined her photo while looking at Sprig to see if it adds up,she finally laughs and gives in." I like your moxy frog child,let's do it! " Anne proclaims as she stands up.She grabs Y/n's hand and hoists her up," Come on get ready, " Anne states getting the appropriate attire on.Y/n seems startled as she nervously smiled," hehe ya,I'll be ready in a minute, " she proclaims.

' Maybe if I pretend Y/n is Marcy it will help me feel better, ' Anne thought as Y/n finally was ready.

" You two ready to go? " Sprig asks excitedly.

" Ya! " Anne shouts." Ya,heh...I'm ready, " Y/n says less enthusiastic.

" And where do you three think you're goin'? " Hop Pop stopped them before they could go out the door.

" We're going to the lake! " Sprig said." Why you want in? You wanna come? " Anne questioned as Y/n just looked away.

" Absolutely not!Look Anne,Y/n.You're a new,unsettling,strange,bazaar,gangly,horrifyin- " Hop Pop started.

" Thanks,I get it! " Anne stops him." Ouch. " Y/n comments.

" Point is,the frogs in this town can be pretty small minded, " Hop Pop paused looking out of his blinds," and paranoid," he continues.

" We just need to give em' time to get used to you two,I think it's best if you stay put, " Hop Pop says locking the front door.

" But- " Anne tries to testify.

" No buts,now,I'm gonna go into my study to get a little reading done," Hop Pop says walking away.

" Ugh,Hop Pop," Sprig complained.

" Don't do anything stupid," Hop Pop replied simply as he shut his doors.

" We're prisoners,I knew it from the start, " Y/n says crossing her arms.

" No,adults are all the same!Curfews,rules...old, " Anne states.

" Ya,looks like were stuck here,oh!I know what will be fun!Let's try one of Hop Pop's pain peppers! " Sprig commented." Oo,how painful do they taste? " Y/n questioned brightening up a bit as she recalled a little spice challenge she and Marcy used to do back home.

" There so hot they'll make you wish you were dead, " Sprig replied as he licked one and instantly went berserk due to how hot it tasted.

" Your turn," he states as Y/n takes one but Anne takes it away from her and tosses it.

" No thanks,I'd rather go to the lake, " Anne proclaims as Sprig was about to shove a whole bunch of Pain peppers in his mouth.

" What?But Hop Pop said uh-"

" Sprig you wanna know the best thing about friendship?When you got your friend by your side,anything is possible, " Anne starts," whatever you want a real friend would help you get,and you know what I want? " Anne questions Sprig.

" The Lake! " Sprig replies.

" Yup!Now let's go rob an old man! " Anne says as Sprig and Y/n frown.

" Ugh, " Sprig says.

" Ya,that didn't sound as cool as I wanted it to, " Anne stated.

They peek inside of Hop Pop's study to see him reading a book,they spot the key in his shirt pocket that was hanging on the chair.

" Any ideas? " Anne asks.

" Oh!We could do a distraction phase plan like me and Marcy used to do in a cool Boss battle all the time! " Y/n responds.

" Or we could use a fishing line to lower me from the ceiling!Then I grab the key right out of Hop Pop's pocket, " Sprig says swinging from the door way and jumping down," I'll move like a shadow, " Sprig states as he almost accidentally knocked over a vase but Anne caught it.

" Shadow's knock things over sometimes, " Sprig says as Anne shushes him.

" Do you hear that? " Anne questions as Hop Pop's snoring could be heard from his seat.

" No way, " Anne says as the three walk over to Hop Pop who was asleep with his eyes open." This might be the creepiest thing I've ever seen, " Anne comments," happens all the time,he makes a great scare crow, " Sprig states as Y/n held the key.They quietly shut the door as they leave,Anne takes the key from Y/n and sniffs it," You know what this smells like, " Anne questions as Sprig takes the key,smells it and licks it," like it's been in old man's pocket, " Sprig comments.