Cane Crazy


" Wow Anne and Y/n look at all this cool stuff! " Sprig says looking at the various human items the two pulled out of there backpacks to display for Sprig to see.

" What's this?Ah,I get it!Torcher device, " Sprig says messing with an item.

" That's a toe nail clipper, " Anne corrects him,Sprig gives an ok obviously not buying what she was saying as he picked up something else.

" Oh!How about this?What does this do? " He says putting it in his mouth which caused his cheeks to expand," it's painful, " he comments releasing air that was trapped in his mouth.

" Oh and this, " Sprig paused messing with a pen," Oh I love this,this is amazing, " Sprig explains.

" You know what,you can keep it, " Anne says as a ringing bell noise was heard indicating it was time to eat.

" Kids,chow time! " Hop Pop shouts from the kitchen.

" Ugh,I don't feel like eating, " Y/n commented.

" Aw,come on dude when's the last time you ate something,you look thinner, " Anne states as Y/n gives her a neutral look." I-I've eaten, " she defies.

" Ah huh,sure, " Anne states as they all head upstairs.

" Time to eat!Time to eat!Time to eat! " Anne,Polly, and Sprig shout as Y/n just sits in her seat quietly while Hop Pop made there plates.Once the plates were givin' out Anne grimaced at what was inside of it," eugh,you know what I think I'm gonna pass, " Anne states as Y/n simply picks at her food not bothering to stick any of it in her mouth.Hop Pop looked at Anne with a neutral look before stirring his food,

" Why is my food not good for the Princess? " Hop Pop questions.

" Well if I'm the princess then you're the king of bad cooking, " Anne says as Y/n bites on a cricket leg attempting to put something in her stomach.

" Oooo! " Polly and Sprig shout.

" Wow,she did it, " Y/n commented plainly.

Hop Pop stuttered trying to think of a comeback," What's the matter Hop Pop bug in your throat? " Anne questions as Sprig and Polly continue to make the same noise.

Y/n gets up and leaves her bowl still full on the table and walk back into the basement.

" Oh!Dang it!Ya know what,I'm gonna take a nap.I don't believe this,I feed you two!I house you!And this is how you repay me?If you two don't shape up soon,I'm throwing you both out! " Hop Pop says slamming the door.

" Yesh,what's his problem? " Anne questioned.

~Meanwhile In The Basement (warning starts)~

Y/n had closed the latch and was sitting in her sleeping corner,the picture she held of her and Marcy made her face sadden.

' Come on Y/n,at least you've got Anne, ' Y/n thought to herself.

Suddenly she felt her stomach churn,she starts hacking,reaching forward she grabs a small bucket and hurls in it.The pain of hurling was intense and it felt like she was trying to vomit her organs after nothing was left in her stomach.This happens everytime she eats something.

' I can't eat anything if my stomach rejects it, ' Y/n thinks.' This...sadness is...really bringing me down,I don't even want to eat,even if I didn't hurl my food,' Y/n sighs.

Her stomach was very thin,but luckily she could drink water to fill her stomach up.

Y/n stares at the bucket sadly before hiding it,' I'll just take it out later, when no one is looking, ' she says getting up and exiting the basement.

(Warning ends)

" Oh,heeey Y/n,I kind of broke Hop Pop's cane and we're going to have to fix it before he kicks us out, " Anne says nervously.

" I was gone for 10 minutes, "

Y/n says simply before sighing and following them to a frog named Leopold Loggle who knew about wood.

Once at the shop,Loggle examined the broken cane.

" So can you fix it? " Anne asked.

" As a matter of fact I can------not," He spoke settling the cane down on the counter.

" Huh,can you make a new one? " Sprig asks.

" Absolutely---no way, " Loggle answers as everyone gives him an annoyed look." Do you have one we could buy? " Polly finally spoke up." Of course I do---n't,I don't, " Loggle answers as Anne finally looses her patience.

" Why do you keep doing that! " Anne shouts.

" Old smithing accident, you don't wanna know, " he replies.

" Ok,soo- "

" Tripped on an anvil,landed neck first on a metal pipe.Pierced my voice box clean through, " Loggle explained revealing his neck to show a hole to which Y/n,Anne, and Polly to make a look of disgust while Sprig thought it was cool." Switched over to wood after that,I'm afraid I can't help you, " Loggle say reaching for a book.

" That wood came from from an incredibly rare,extremely dangerous Doom Tree," he explained flipping to the page with Doom Tree as the title.

" Few have made it to the Doom tree alive,fewer yet returned.It holds many secrets that mortals dare not-"

" Dude,it's a tree.Just tell us where it is, " Anne interrupts Loggle.

" Ya Loggle cut the chit chat! "

" You're bald! "

Sprig and Polly added." I have no comment, " Y/n states.

" Ok,ok I have a map to the Doom tree right here,but it will cost ya, " Loggle explained.Anne just took out her phone and took a picture of it and showing Loggle." Or you can do that,for free, " Loggle says.

" Come on guys,we've gotta hurry!Hop Pop could wake up any second, " Anne exclaimed.

" Right, " Sprig and Polly said as the four began there journey to the Doom Tree.

" Be careful kids,the trees cursed!It's cursed! " Loggle shouted.

" To the Doom Tree everyone! " Anne shouted as they left the shop.

They had travelled a long distance,Anne was currently moving aside vegetation from her face,most of it whacked Y/n in the head.

" Hold up! " Anne said stopping everyone," We're here, " Anne states as the Doom Tree stood before them.

" Now that is an ugly tree, " Anne comments.

" Just one of mother nature's horrible mistakes, " Sprig replied to Anne's comment.

" Heheh,frogs died here, " Polly spoke as the neared the tree.

" Look!That branch is perfect! " Anne shouts as she climbs up with Sprig.

They were having trouble pulling it out so Y/n climbed up and hugged Anne to put weight on the branch allowing it to break.

As soon as the branch broke a roar was heard bellow them," uh did the tree just scream? " Anne questions as the ' tree ' starts to shake the three off as they fell to the ground.The tree lifted from the ground as it shifted more into a giant bug." Where have I seen that bug before? " Y/n questions.