Hop Luck

Anne was with Sprig,Polly,and Y/n showing them her original pet cat Domino from back home.

" And this bad boy is my kitty Domino,you guys would like her,she's got fire, " Anne states as Sprig,Polly and Y/n stare at the video of Anne's cat with interest.

" That's probably a cat I can love with....probably, " Y/n comments.

" Aw she's so tiny,I feel huge! " Polly states as Sprig takes the phone.

" Hmm, I will..set her free! " Sprig announced ready to smash Anne's phone with a hammer.Anne quickly snatched her device away from Sprig," Please stop doing that, " Anne states as Y/n hides her phone from view.

Suddenly,a disgusting smell had made its way to Y/n and Anne's noses.

" Oh my gosh,eww, " Y/n says.

" Ugh,what is that?Did something crawl up under the house and die? " Anne questions as Sprig appears." Worse Anne,much worse,Hop pop is cooking, " Sprig answers looking scared.

" Brace yourselves, " Sprig said as everyone gathered by the door.

" Brace ourselves for wha- " Just as Anne spoke Sprig opened the door causing the horrible smell to blast itself in there faces.Y/n nearly gagged in disgust as Anne plugged her nose,they all went inside as Sprig walked up to Hop Pop." What's the plan for this year Hop Pop?Poisen the competition? " Sprig questioned as Hop Pop turned to him and hit Sprig on the head with his spoon." The plan is to win, " he stated firmly.

" Win? " Anne questioned.

" The annual village Pot lock, " Hop Pop explains as he continues.

" The family who brings the best tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins,the family with the worst tasting dish spends the night," Hop Pop pauses as he points out the window before continuing," The shame cage."

" Brutal, " Anne says." That's looks uncomfortable," Y/n also comments.

" And guess which family ends up there every year, " Sprig says disappointed as Sprig,Polly and Hop Pop sigh.

" If you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage,you've got another thing coming, " Anne states as Y/n smiled.

" Technically,we're not Plantars but it wouldn't hurt for us to help, " Y/n states as Anne nods.

" So whatcha makin' over there Hop Pop?Sock Gumbo? " Anne asks.

" No silly,it's a traditional recipe from my family's cook book!We've been using this baby since I was a polly wog, " Hop Pop explains as Anne and Y/n take a look at the book.

" I think I've found your problem guys, " Anne says catching the Plantars attention.

" Old things are dumb, " Anne says closing the book and dropping it.

" Not that old is bad,it's just....ya gotta try somethin' new ya know, " Y/n tries to say in the nicest way possible.

" Oh that makes sense."" It's all so clear now."

Polly and Sprig comment." But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes!What would my great Gam Gam say? " Hop Pop questioned.

" She'd say move on, " Anne says quickly as Hop Pop sighs.

" She was a fierce women, " Hop Pop spoke.

" Look,if we're gonna win this thing,we need something new,something revolutionary,something no one in this swamp has ever seen before! " Anne explains.

" How about pizza? It's not that hard to make," Y/n comments as Anne gasps and searches through her phone for an image of Pizza." Pizza genius Y/n,we need something like Pizza! " Anne says showing the Plantars a picture of what Pizza looked like.

" Woah. "" I don't know it is but I love it, " Polly says.

" Pizza is the ultimate dish,you haven't lived until you've shared it with your friends at the mall, " Anne says.

" What about this tried and true recipe,swamp mold pot pie, " Hop Pop said showing the page his this recipe book.

" Pizza!Pizza!Pizza! " Polly and Sprig shouted as Hop Pop gave in.

" We'll win for sure this time Hop Pop! " Sprig states.

" Now all we gotta do is, " Sprig says ready to smash the phone with his hammer until Anne took it.

" All we gotta do is doe,cheese,fazel and Tomatoes,are you guys ready to make our pizza dream a reality? " Anne questions as they cheer except Hop Pop.

" Oh,oh maybe we should put pineapple on it! " Sprig suggests.

Y/n gives Sprig a sorrowful glance,Sprig looked confused until Anne grabbed him and said," Don't you dare talk about Pineapple on my pizza,ever, " Anne says darkly before letting him go and turning to everyone like nothing happened." Ok,let's go get those ingredients!Make way! " Anne says heading out.

" Next time don't say that,I said pineapple on Pizza was good and Anne showed no mercy, " Y/n stated as Sprig nodded gulping.

" If you want the doe,the boy's going to have to marry my daughter, " The baker said as they looked at his daughter who was in the corner.She turned around with a doll that looked just like Sprig.

" Hi Sprig, " she said creepily as she stabbed a sharp stick into the doll.

" Ain't she adorable? " The baker questioned.

" Done, " Anne says quickly.

"Sprig's eternal happiness is a small price to pay for Pizza, " Anne states," Good luck Sprig, " Y/n says casually.

" Maybe we'll learn to love each other, " Sprig states as he yelps when the daughter is next to him.

" I've seen your death in my mind, " She said.

" O-oh,kinda hoping it would be a surprise, " Sprig said nervously.

" It will be, " she replied as Sprig looked scared.

" Congratulations on your new son,now cough up the dough, " Anne says as the Baker gives her the dough and they leave.

" See you soon Hubby," the daughter says creepily.

The four were racing away from a caterpillar like cow," thanks again for helping me out!I know Brutus can be quite a handful! " The old frog said as the four ran for there lives.

" I am regretting everything! " Y/n spoke.

" What are we here for again?? " Sprig yelled.

" Cheese! " Anne replied as Hop Pop tried to convince Anne to look at his book.

" No old recipes! " Anne says grabbing a red leaf and luring Brutus over to the pen and trapping him inside.

" A hunk of cheese,made freshly from the milk of those- "

" Please don't tell me where it comes from, " Anne says as Y/n scrunches her face.

" And we've only got one ingredient left,tomatoes, " Anne says as the group gather there already gotten ingredients.

" I've never actually tasted a tomato,no one in town really sells them, " Sprig commented.

" There's a reason for that,there in the dangerous vegetable section," Hop Pop spoke.

" Huh? " Y/n said confused.

" Woah,woah woah woah woah!Dangerous Vegetables?Come on, " Anne says not believing a word Hop Pop was saying.

The four go to where the tomatoes are,they didn't suspect anything until some 'tomatoes' came to life and roared at them.

" Come on,it'll be worth it,I think, " Y/n states as Hop Pop,Polly,and Sprig back up ready to leave but Anne blocks there path." Guys,the shame cage isn't just in the town square,it's up here, " Anne says pointing to her head signifying that she wasn't about to give up and they should take the risk.

" There's a big difference between courage and stupidit-Y, " Hop pop spoke but was snatched by the tomato monster and flung into it's mouth.Y/n,Sprig,and Polly tried to escape but were snatched and eaten along with Anne.They were pushed to the stomach,but Anne quickly stopped them before they could fall in the acid." Welp,at least the ingredients are safe, " Anne says but just as she says that the ingredients and her bag fell into the acid quickly desolving.

" Nooo! " Anne yelled." At least it will be a quick pain less death, " Sprig commented as Y/n grimaced at the thought." Why would this be painless? " Polly glared." Just let me have this lie! " Spring shouted as Anne and Y/n looked guilty.

" I shouldn't have been so stubborn,I just really wanted to share a pizza with you guys, " Anne states.

" I don't even wanna think about it, " Y/n said disappointed in herself that she could be a reason they died.

Hop Pop spoke," eh,I didn't really care about that whole pizza stuff anyway,but you two were really trying to help this family out,and that's worth something in my book, " he said.

" Your book! " Anne said as she asked Hop Pop was there anything that could help them escape.

" Nothing especially,except that this giant tomato plant is delicious especially when eaten raw, " Hop Pop states as everyone but Y/n gives each other a look.

' I'm going to regret this later...' Y/n thought as they ate there way out of the plant until they landed on the ground.The tomato monsters quickly fell dead.

" Let's go home and make an old recipe Hop Pop, " Anne said as they all agreed.

Y/n could already feel her stomach getting upset.

Later,every frog presented there dish onto a table.The Plantars,Anne and Y/n had decided to go with the old swamp Mold pot pie with a tomato on top.

Mayor toad stool had come through eat dish praising them until he got down to the Plantars with a neutral look.

" What filth have you brought up this time? " Mayor Toadstool said unamused .

" Tomato?Awfully dangerous, " Toadstool says taking a bite as they waited for the result.

" Why I do declare,this is the best dish the Plantar family has ever brought to a pot luck, " Mayor Toadstool announced.

" Whaaa? " Hop Pop said as the town gasped in disbelief.

" No,no,no,no no,it's still terrible.Last place as usual, " Mayor Toadstool says as he gestures them to the shame cage to which they start walking towards it.

" Cheer up guys,sure we came in last but thanks to Anne and Y/n's new ideas,and Hop Pop's old ones,we've don't the best you've ever done, " Sprig says as the near the cage." Ya know he's right, " Hop Pop says as everyone agrees as they get inside the cage.

" Any chance we could squeeze in there? " Anne questions.

" How bout it carl? " Hop Pop says,"the more the marrier, " Carl replies as Anne and Y/n get inside and he lifts the cage up.

" You know this isn't so ba- " Anne was cut off as she was hit in the face.

" Hey what the heck!What was that? " Anne yelled.

" Oooo,I forgot to mention the shame nuggets, " Sprig said.

" You just had to say something, " Y/n said as she was hit in the face.She felt like she was about to hurl but quickly contained it as the town folk gathered around them throwing shame nuggets and shouting words of shame.

" Hey!That's my son in law, " The Baker said as Sprig waved nervously.

" Is that the best you got? " Polly shouted.

Hop Pop sighed," Tradition is such a beautiful- " Hop Pop was hit in the face once more with another shame nugget.

" Son of a slug! "