Stake Out

Sprig and Polly were doing the dishes while Anne,Hop Pop and Y/n were sitting on the couch.

" Look dude,all we're saying is that if we had a couch this firm we would get arrested for it, " Anne spoke," ya,society is no joke, " Y/n comments as Hop Pop spoke." Back in my day we didn't have furniture,we sat on rocks,sharp ones, " Hop pop explained cracking his legs as he crossed them together.

" Ugh this is so heavy, " Y/n says and Anne as she and Anne can barely hold a box of vegetables up.Just then Anne tripped over a rock causing both her and Y/n to fall.

" Back in my day kids spent less complaining and more time watching there step, " Hop Pop stated as Y/n glared." Well where I'm from,people fix there crummy houses, " Anne said as Hop Pop gasped." This house is like family,you apologize! " Hop pop shouted.

" Apologize to what?To a house? " Anne shouts.

Inside the house a bang was heard as Anne yelled at Hop Pop to stop hitting the door.

" It's been two hours!Four counting Y/n's two hours! " Hop Pop stated.

" Well where I'm from we didn't rush people when there using the bathroom! " Anne yelled.

" Well back in my day we didn't have a bathroom! " Hop pop replied back.

" Oh my goodness,drop it Hop Pop! " Y/n said getting tired of the arguing." You drop it, " Hop Pop shouted back.

" Ugh I can't take this anymore! " Sprig said as Polly spoke," uh there just getting used to each other,it's not a big deal." Sprig looked at Polly like she was crazy," not a big deal?Do you remember the Hendersons next door?They used to argue all the time and look what happened to them," Sprig said pointing out the open window to a run down,destroyed and abandoned house to see Wally stealing some dishes.

" It won't be long before this bickering tares this family apart! " Sprig explained pacing back and forth.

" I think we should just give them some time,its not like we have a lot of options,we can't just force them to get along, " Polly exclaimed as Sprig got an idea," of course we will, " he says before leaving.

Later on when everyone was outside Sprig had came and shouted, " We've been robbed! "

" Say whaaaat? " Hop Pop said in disbelief as Anne and Y/n laughed at what he said but quickly apologized." must be painful making no sense all the time, " Hop Pop said.

They all followed Sprig.Hop pop gasped,

" My prize winning corn, " Hop pop said.

" wait, " Y/n said in disbelief," You've won prizes? " Anne questions for Y/n as Hop Pop's face goes sour." It's an expression," he explains crossing his arms." What are you two the fact police? " Hop pop questioned in annoyance.

" This demands justice!The only way we can catch this monster is a stake out! " Sprig announces as everyone seems to agree as Sprig announced that only Y/n,Anne and Hop pop could do it.Anne had questioned why Polly couldn't do it until Hop Pop butted in." Polly's a baby, " Hop pop says," she's just asking, " Y/n defended Anne.Hop pop grumbled about the two falling asleep first," oh we'll fall asleep,aren't you like a hundred years old? " Anne questioned as she and Y/n angrily followed Hop pop.

Later that night,Y/n,Anne and Hop pop waited on the hill for the monster to come.Anne and Y/n were looking at a book until Hop pop turned around and spoke," for goodness sake's you two,turn that light out,we're trying to catch the thief not scare it away, " he says as Y/n glares," we were in the middle of reading something but ok," Y/n says in a fowl mood.Anne just gave a look as she turned out the light,soon after she yawned.

" Haha,had I feeling you two wouldn't last, " Hop Pop said.

" I didn't even yawn," Y/n stated but the tired look in her eyes were clear.

" Worry about yourself,besides we just need a little boost that's all, " Anne says taking something out of her back pack." Blam berry blitz,a drink that punches you in the face and doesn't stop, " Hop pop read aloud before laughing." Ha that silly drink won't keep you two up! " Hop pop exclaimed grabbing something of his own." Now this will keep you up, " Hop Pop stated as he opened a creepy jar with a green substance in it." Ugh,what is that poison? " Anne questioned as Y/n blocked her nose.

" Ha!No way it's strong than my berry blitz, " Anne spoke.

They all seem to share a look before switching drinks,Anne and Y/n took Hop Pops and Hop Pop took there's as they chucked some down.They all made a weird look.

" Ha!You should of seen your face! " Anne stated as Y/n didn't say a word.

They all rested behind the stone wall," I've never scene you to turn that color,what do you both have chameleon in your blood? " Hop Pop laughed.They just stared at the sky as they spoke," you're always talking about the old days,we're always relating to back home, " Anne stated as Hop Pop spoke, " deep down we're all just a bunch of softies, " Hop Pop replied.

" Of course our situation is way worse than yours, " Anne spoke as Y/n didn't bother to say anything.Hop pops face furrows.

" Always gotta make the situation about you don't you," Hop Pop says as he mimics Anne." Oh my goodness, " Y/n sighs annoyed," and you always with your complaining, " Hop pop said now directing his attention to Y/n who made a displeased look." Well at least my head isn't a tea kettle!Wait what- " Anne yelled but quickly rubbed her eyes and showed Hop Pop with a kettle head.Apparently Y/n could see it too but she was too shook to say anything," well at least my hair doesn't look like rainbow star dust!The both of ya look silly! " Hop Pop said as Anne and Y/n's hair changed colors.

" What the? " Hop Pop said as the whole atmosphere changed.

Anne's hair rested on a galaxy like blue while Y/n rested on a galaxy like orange.Y/n coughed as a galaxy like liquid dripped from her mouth,she wiped it away but it kept coming back.It didn't taste like bile,it tasted like...something else that she couldn't describe at the moment...

" Why can't I see out of my left eye!? " Y/n panicked as she felt vegetation was wrapped around it restricting her other vision.

" This must of have caused by....the drinks! " Anne said with dread as she continued to explain," Our body chemistry must be so different that we're reacting to each others extreme beverage! "

The three started to argue about the drink as Sprig and Polly watched.

" How can this be,there arguing again! " Sprig states confused.

" Oh no,what a surprise, " Polly said unmoved by the arguing.

" We'll just have to take matter into our own hands, " Sprig said before continuing," wait you don't mean," Polly started as Sprig opened a closet door." Oh that's right Polly,I'm gonna steal corn right under there noses, " Sprig spoke as he put a disguise on to look mysterious." We'll have to do this tomorrow,and the next night and the next night!Until there the bestest friends,who were ever friends and then the family will be saved! " Sprig ranted.

Sprig soon left and started moving through the vegetables to the corn.

Anne,Y/n and Hop pop had saw the figure move swiftly through the crops as they gasped,the steam hit Anne in the face," watch where you're pointing that thing," Anne spoke," sorry," Hop Pop apologized.

" Stop this madness! " Polly said tackling Sprig," It's a small price for saving our family! " Sprig said trying to get away.

" Stop right there! " Hop pop yelled,but instead of seeing Sprig and Polly they saw a giant corn monster.The three screamed as the monster they saw let out blue fire surrounding them as they panicked." Yup they're broken, " Polly stated to Sprig as they watched the three frail around.

" It must be immune to magic! " Hop Pop states," Quick grab those Power ups! " Anne stated.

" Ooo this is just like a video game! " Y/n says as they grab weapons and start chasing Sprig and Polly who ran away.

They had trapped Sprig at the front of the house as they threw there weapons aiming for him,Y/n's weapon barely missed him by an inch as he cowered.

" Anne,Hop Pop,Y/n its me!I learned my lesson I promise," Sprig apologized.The three seemed to not see Sprig but the corn monster," uh does the corn beast kinda sound like Sprig to you? " Anne questioned as Hop Pop and Y/n couldn't help but agree,the image began to come clearer as the corn monster turned out to be Sprig who was pleading for his life.

" Huh? " The three say taken aback as everything started to turn to normal.

" I thought we were goners," Hop Pop explained.

" Me too, and you defended us, " Anne said." And you two stood by my side like true warriors, " Hop Pop said." You know Hop pop,back where I come from we call that having each others back," Anne stated.

" Back in my day we called that pulling an old stinky mcguire,so lets stick with yours, " Hop Pop exclaimed.

" Team match achievements," Y/n says before passing out on the floor.

" Boy I'm tired, " Hop Pop said as he and Anne passed out right after Y/n.

" Wow Sprig I owe you an apology,your dumb old plan actually worked," Polly said as Sprig sat there scared to death.

" Thanks Polly,but next time maybe we do it your way," Sprig says as he passes out.Polly sighs in annoyance." I should probably drag them inside but first I'm perched," Polly says drinking Anne's Blam Berry blitz as her whole atmosphere changed.

" All right boulder tron,you ready to roll," Polly questioned as a boulder monster rised from the ground." Always my queen," it replied.

" Good man boulder tron,Good man. "