The Domino Effect

It was morning, Y/n,Anne and Sprig were out on a field playing a game of baseball with a makeshift bat and a watermelon.Sprig tossed it to Anne who cut it by accident causing it to fly on Y/n who was supposed to catch it as a whole." Oh great," Y/n said as the makeshift bat sliced pass Sprig and into a tree.It cut his hat revealing he had orange hair.

" Wait you have hair? " Anne questioned.

" Hey sorry about your hat, " Anne apologizes as the three search for there equipment," Oh!There it is! " Anne says pointing to the item lodged in the tree.

Anne had halted everyone when she had heard the sound," Shhhh,do you hear something? " She questions until she hears the sound again before gasping.

" Something's in trouble! " Anne says as the three race towards the noise to see giant hornets were hovering over a creature stuck in the mud and trying to strike it.Anne gasped," Oh my gosh!We have to save her, " Anne states as she runs in and pulls the creature from the mud." Gotcha! " Anne says just as the Hornets strike around her and miss." Oops,gotta go! " she says getting up with the creature and running.Sprig had sling shot stones at the Hornets as Anne raced back towards the two.

" Let's go! " Anne says as she and Y/n make a break for it.

" Sprig out! " Sprig says hopping back into the woods.

" You're safe now little fella, " Anne states before looking at the cat like creature in complete adoration.

" Oh boy, " Y/n states knowing what might happen.

" What's wrong?Are you stung?We'll have to amputee! " Sprig said ready to slice Anne's arm but Anne quickly stopped him.

" No,this caterpillar looks exactly like my pet Domino from back home, " Anne says showing them a picture of her regular cat and comparing it to the caterpillar she had in her hand.

" I love my cat more than anything in the world,she was irreplaceable,but now I found a replacement.Let's take her home with us! " Anne explains as Y/n and Sprig give her a look.

" Absolutely not! " Y/n says.

" Why not?Don't you have a pet you wish you could have here? " Anne questioned.

" I had a pet python that my parent let me keep,god knows why,and now my poor (Insert Pet name) has probably got out and is eating dogs.So no, " Y/n says defiantly as Anne shudders.

" Eh,I don't know Anne,that's a wild animal. I'm not sure bringing it home is a good idea, " Sprig steps in.

" Psh,that's ridiculous.My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her,all it takes is love and patience- "

" A trip to the hospital ," Y/n says as Anne ignores her continuing,

" "

" You said love twice, " Sprig said as Anne held the caterpillar up to Sprig's face,the caterpillar proceeds to lick him.

" Sold! " Sprig says as Y/n face palms.

" It's settled,I here by dub the Domino 2,come on girl let's go home, " Anne says as they start walking but the caterpillar doesn't follow,instead it purrs and falls over.

" Uhh,is it broken? " Sprig questions as Anne proceeds to pull a cat toy from her backpack.

" This worked without fail on Domino 1, " she says jiggling the toy and creating a bell sound.Domino 2 and Sprig stared at the toy awestruck as they followed Anne." I want it,give it to me, " Sprig says as Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

Once back at home,Anne went to Hop Pop who was chopping up a worm.

" Hey Hop Pop,old buddy old pal. "

" What do you want Anne? " Hop Pop said unphased." I was just thinking,doesn't this house seem empty to you, " Anne says as Hop Pop turns his head to see all the stacked and piled dirty dishes.

" Not especially. "

" Wouldn't it seem nice to have a sweet, fuzzy,loving critter around? " Anne spoke.

" A pet!? "

" Great Idea Hop Pop, " Anne says as Hop Pop points his butcher knife at her.

" No pets!Everytime we get one,Sprig and Polly swears there gonna take care of it!Like this one spider we had Charlie Big Bottom,sure they were there for all the cuddling and snuggling.But who gets stuck doing all the work!Good ol' Hop Pop thats who! " Hop Pop shouts before continuing.

" I swear to frog,whoever brings a fuzzy critter into this house,we'll be on dung duty for a month," Hop Pop ranted as Anne left the room.

" Plan B,we're gonna have to sneak Domino 2 inside, " Anne says as Y/n shakes her head.

" Should we concerned about this? " Sprig says lifting his leg to show Domino 2 holding onto it with there teeth." That is called play biting,isn't it cute? " Anne says as Y/n and Sprig give a slightly concerned look.

" Yaaa,kind of seems like she's tasting me," Sprig spoke as Domino 2 licked his leg.

" That's ridiculous,trust me,I know cats, " Anne says as Sprig tries to get Domino 2 to let go.

" Riight," Y/n comments.

" Well,Alright,if you say so, " Sprig says as they all go inside towards the basement but Domino 2 sneezed.

" Wazat? " Hop Pop says quickly turning around only to see Sprig.

" Hey uh Hop Pop!What's the worst thing Charlie big bottom ever did since we're talking about Charlie big Bottom, " Sprig asked as Hop Pop started to explain in a stressed tone what he did.This gave Anne enough time to sneak in as Y/n casually followed behind unphased.

Early the next Morning,Sprig came into the basement seeing if Anne and Y/n were awake.

" Hey,are you two awake? " Sprig said,but when he turned on the light and saw the cobwebs he started to panic searching for the two until he lifted both there blankets.

" Wake up!What happened?Are you two ok? " Sprig said lifting Anne's hair to see her tired facial expression.

" Ya,totally.Domino 2 just had a bit of a rough night indoors, " she turns over revealing scratch marks on the side of her face.

" Took one for the team, " Y/n says lifting her shirt up slightly to reveal the scratched up side of her stomach." Apparently she thinks I'm a scratching post to climb and use her claws to cling to, " Y/n adds as Sprig winces at the scratches.

" Hop Pop is definitely going to notice something, " Sprig commented.

" Oh this is nothing,we just have to keep an eye on her while she's adjusting,isn't that right Domino 2? " Anne says waving the toy around for Domino 2 to play with.Domino 2 eyes widen at the sight of Sprig,drool dripped from her mouth as she shot a web at Sprig's face causing him to fall.

" That's just her way of saying I love you, " Anne says kissing Domino 2.

Later that Day,Anne had created a cat perch for Domino 2 and was playing with her until the caterpillar crawled out of the basement.Domino 2 had eaten Hop Pop's sandwich and Sprig had quickly covered it up by taking the fall.