Sprig vs Hop Pop

Anne,Y/n,Polly and Sprig were on there knees plucking unwanted plants from the crop field.Sprig started to sweat as he wiped his forehead and looked up at the Cowapillars in the fence in front of them before gasping.

" Hop Pop!Hop Pop!Great idea!What if we trained the Cowapillars to eat these weeds?Then we wouldn't have to-" Sprig started to suggest but Hop pop stopped him as he spoke," suggestion barrels over there," Hop Pop pointed towards a lone barrel.Sprig ran over as he ate the flies hovering over the barrel before writing on paper," Suggestion 89," Sprig starts." Hey you think he actually reads these? " Anne questions as she,Y/n,and Polly walk toward Sprig and stand behind him.

" Doubt it,I suggested a swimming pool months ago,and that never happened," Polly spoke up as Sprig turned to the three.

" Oh come on guys,have a little more faith in Hop Pop," Sprig says placing the suggestion note inside.

He stuck his hand in the barrel to far as he struggled to pull his fist out.

" Heheh,hands stuck," He says pulling harder causing the barrel to fall over the reveal a fire pit under it.

" How? " Y/n questioned wondering how the barrel hasn't burnt yet from the rising flames.

" What the? "" A fire pit,that's the opposite of a swimming pool! "" Why Hop pop?Why! " Sprig hollered as Hop pop stood from his chair.

" Because your suggestions were ridiculous!You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere,it attracts pests!Running a farm ain't easy kids," Hop pop explains." Maybe,but if I were in charge I'd actually listen to other people's suggestions,not burn them," Sprig exclaims." You?Run the farm?Ha!Run it into the ground maybe," Hop Pop says pushing Sprig back with a croak to which Sprig returned.

" Oh boy," Y/n comments as Polly gasps," is that an official challenge? " Polly questions as Sprig races towards a pole as he began to climb it until he reached the top and hit the bell.He hopped back down as everyone walked up to him.

" Sprig Plantar you have rung the Plantar family challenge bell!What is your challenge? " Polly questions.

" I want to replace Hop pop and run the farm my way! " Sprig states.

" I do formally accept this challenge," Hop pop says as Y/n looks confused.

" I'm sure this will make sense in a moment," Anne states.

" Nevermind,what the hecks going on! " Anne shouts as she and Y/n found themselves watching Hop Pop and Sprig cover themselves in mud.They weren't wearing any clothes,only a single cloth and rope to cover the privates.

" A Plantar family challenge," Hop Pop answered." An artful test of skill where the winner takes all! " Sprig adds.

" They push each other until someone falls off a lily pad,it's dumb,but fun to watch," Polly explains as she sat on the log with Y/n and Anne.

" Has Sprig ever won? " Anne questions.

" I've won in spirit," Sprig says causing Y/n to hold in a laugh.

" So no."" Enough chit chat,let the challenge begin," Polly says hitting a small bell with her tail as Hop Pop and Sprig charged at each other.

The two proceeded to slap each other until Hop Pop picked Sprig up and tossed him nearly off the lily pad.

" Give it up boy!I've got the experience and the upper body strength! " Hop pop spoke.

" Oh ya?Well I got the moral high ground! " Sprig says confusing Hop pop as he tossed Hop pop off the Lily pad.

The three girls gasped." Sprig won? " They said in shock," I won? " Sprig said not believing it either.

" Nice work dude "" I don't believe it!I'm head of the farm! " Sprig says as Anne and Polly cheered loudly,Y/n just stuck with clapping her hands before the four left.

" Looks like my time is over," Hop pop says leaving into the grass.

" Sprig!Sprig!Sprig " Polly and Anne shout as the four burst inside the house,they soon stopped as Sprig began to speak.

" First order of business,as long as I'm in charge,no suggestions are bad," Sprig announced.

" Swimming pools? " Polly questioned eagerly." You betcha! "" Can I have Hop Pop's study for.... research? "" Go ahead,I fail to see how that's not a suggestion "" Dance parties"" Let's have one right now baby," Sprig says as Anne plays montage music.

The four began a montage of making suggestions and completing them.

They found themselves in front of a clown as Anne and Sprig clapped,Polly and Y/n however,didn't like the clown as much as they gave looks of pure terror before Polly screamed and attacked the clown.Anne quickly stopped her as Y/n gave a sigh glad that it was over." Woah we paid them for this! " Sprig says as they continued to party.They had reconstructed a few things about the house as they looked at it from a far.

" Uh,shouldn't we worry about Hop Pop? " Anne questioned.

" Ya,now that you've mentioned it,I haven't seen him in a while," Y/n commented.

" Eh,he's probably off licking his wounds," Sprig replied.

Hop pop wasn't doing what Sprig said,in fact he was at Wart wood cemetery naming a bug Jeremy.

Not that Sprig cared because he was too busy getting ready to slide down the building slide connected to the house." In coming," Sprig said sliding down as he shouted in excitement.

" Is anyone else,like,starving? " Anne says.

" I usually am," Y/n says casually earning a small pat on the shoulder from Anne.

" Dinner!Great suggestion! " Sprig said as they four went inside but there was nothing around.

" Guess today was the day Hop pop would go to the grocery store," Sprig spoke.

" Huh,what are we going to do?I am getting HANGRY," Anne shouted as Y/n laughed.Sprig went outside and came back with some potatoes," fresh from mother nature's garden,so dig in everyone," he says as a big creature burst from the crops scaring everyone away.Anne quickly trapped it under a bucket and sat on it as Sprig chuckled nervously," oops,didn't check for pests," he said.

" I'm beginning to think there's a few things we don't know about running a farm," Anne exclaimed.

" We've got some things to work out sure,but isn't it better to live in a place where you're listened to? " Sprig questioned as the girls looked a little unsure.

" I guess "" Ya I guess so "" I guess it is "

The three said as the pest threw Anne off the bucket and attacked Sprig.

The next morning,Sprig was woken up by Anne,Polly and Y/n taking him outside to reveal giant mosquitoes everywhere making hordes of eggs,the cowapillars were trying to get to the clown,and the farm crops were destroyed.They four headed toward the suggestion board as Sprig spoke," I called upon this meeting today for obvious reasons," he started.

" Pest are everywhere"" The farm is ruined "" We have no food and we'll die "

The three girls stated as Sprig nodded at the information givin.