Girl Time

" This one's going all the way baby! "Sprig say hacking some spit and spitting it into the water.

" Ha!You call that a spit!Now watch this! " Hop pop challenged as he did the same,only it went way farther disturbing a small crab." Ugh just when I thought you guys couldn't get any nastier," Anne said as Hop pop and Sprig gasped." Nasty?Why spitting is practically a sport in Wortwood," Hop pop explained." They even have a town record,whoever breaks the record gets a trophy," Sprig adds as Anne grimaced.

" A trophy?For spitting?I can't believe you're exposing Polly to this sort of-"

" That record is mine! " Polly shouts hacking up a huge wod of spit and spitting it right on the crab,which was way farther than Hop pop and Sprig.

Anne shuddered looking horrified as Hop pop and Sprig praised Polly.

Anne watched horrified as Hop pop and Sprig did gross things,she had finally made a conclusion as she gasped," oh no,Polly,you've been surrounded by boys your whole life,It's not to late!I can fix this! "

" Fix what? " Y/n says walking outside to the group.

" Girl time! Hop Pop,wallet!Y/n your essential,come on! " Anne says as she took Hop pop's wallet,Polly and Y/n leaving.

" Where are you taking me crazy lady! " Polly shouted.

" Not sure what she wants with my wallet,not like I got any money," Hop pop spoke.

" Less talk more spit! "

The three girls were walking in town as Anne spoke," Girl time, it's time for girl time! " Polly hopped out of Anne's hand and onto a barrel," ok anne,what's going on here? " Polly questioned as Y/n walked by Anne." Ya I just walked outside and you're taking us where? " Y/n questions raising a brow.

" Look Polly,hanging out with Sprig and Hop pop is dangerous,if we aren't careful we'll wake up crusty and placing our boogers in jars!We need a day to reset,a day that's Ladies only,and that's why I brought Y/n along as well," Anne says.

" That sounds bad," Polly states.

" Look when we're done with you,you are going to feel like a new Polly,trust me," Anne said.

" Well I guess it could hurt,plus you,Y/n and Sprig are always getting into fun trouble,so what are we doing?Toad wrestling?Snake punching! " Polly questions as Anne answers," better we're going to- "

Anne burst into a building as she spoke," a spa! " Anne said.

" What? " Polly questioned.

" It's...nice,not my thing but I could do with it," Y/n said mainly to herself as they walked inside.

" Three of your fancies spa treatments please," Anne spoke.

" That would be ten coppers,each," The spa owner says as Anne grabs some paper from the wallet," what the?Hop pop's I owe yous? " She read allowed," will this work? " She says handing the frog one of the papers.

" Hmm well it does say he's good for it,accepted! " The frog said ringing a bell," here are your towels," he says as another frog comes from a small door with three towels." I don't know Anne this seems boring,why don't we do something fun instead? " Polly says whacking the lady with her towel as Polly laughed,Y/n couldn't help but hold a laugh." Polly,there's more to life than hitting and Spitting stuff," Anne explains as Polly replied," really? "

" Just trust me!"" Well.."" Girl time engaged! " Anne spoke.

The three were relaxing in a spa,Cucumbers were over Anne's as she peeked to see Polly not in her chair and riding a fish.Y/n laughed as she ate one of the cucumbers,Anne shook her head at Y/n as she grabbed Polly and set her back on her chair and put a cucumber on her face.

After the spa,the three went to a hair salon.Anne was getting hair combed,while Y/n was dodging one of the frog's scissors that was trying to cut her hair.Anne looked down at Polly's chair only to see she had gone and started throwing combs everywhere resulting in the frogs having to tackle her.Y/n laughed again as Anne shook her head at Y/n,the frog doing Y/n's hair took the opportunity to snip a piece of her hair as Y/n's face went plank.

They went to a dressings store and bought an outfit for there selves,much to Polly's disliking and went to a clean restaurant.

" Anne,I thought girl time was suppose to be exciting!You,Y/n and Sprig are always getting mobbed or eaten,or eaten by mobs," Polly spoke.

" Not by choice," Y/n spoke.

" Exactly,come on isn't this great?Sure beats pocket boogers and spitting right?Excuse me Madam?What kind of scone is this? " Anne questions.

" Oh those are dung beetle! " The lady said as Anne made a face.

Y/n started to laugh again as Anne swallowed." Tasty," she lied.

" Not to put my snout in other people's business,but if you ladies are having girl time,I know this great place where you can get a full body message," The waitress said.

" I love messages!I used to get them all the time back at home," Anne said as she had a flashback.

" I've never legit have a full body message before,we're going," Anne spoke as Polly looked down.

" You know what,I think I'll pass,got to get home and work on my distance," Polly says starting to hack up spit as Anne gasped.

" Polly I am not giving up on you," Anne says dragging the two girls out of the restaurant quickly.

The waitress looked at the three leave before opening and seeing Hop Pop's I owe yous.She look back at her wall and gasped," Someone get the constable! "

The three had walked inside of the message place," Uh hello?Anyone here? " Anne questions as they three advanced inside." Well this place seems nice? " Anne offers the two.

" I help you? " A frog says appearing from behind a curtain startling Anne and Y/n.

" Aaah!Who are you? " Anne questions startled.

" Am town healer Tuti,also part time bounty hunter," the frog states." I like her," Polly states." well we're here for that full body message," Anne spoke again.

" Full body good,come now,we get personal "

" That doesn't sit right," Y/n commented.

" Oh!I'll go first! " Anne says brushing off Y/n's comment as she laid on the slab.Anne looked up at a reference paper posted on the wall," whoa,you frogs are really flexible,you sure you know how to message a human? " Anne questioned as Y/n sat on the side by Polly.

" It's same," Tuti says jumping on Anne's back as the 'message' began.

Y/n and Polly watched as Anne painfully took to the message.

" And on that note,I'm out," Polly says as Y/n decided it would be best to stay.

" Is done,you are now reborn," Tuti said hopping off." Polly you are going to love this," Anne says trying to look up.

" Polly wog is gone,only other friend stays," Tuti says.

" What!She ditched us,but this is all for her ll,ugh we have to find her and get this thing back on track," Anne says as she grabs Y/n and leaves some I owe yous on the counter," See ya Tuti! " Anne says leaving.