
It was raining heavily outside as Anne and Y/n stayed in the basement," ah nothing like sleeping to the sound of rain," Anne said as she began to lay on her bed next to Y/n who was groaning.

" This is the third time I called you two!" Hop pop shouted opening the basement latch.

" What no it isn't," Anne stated.

" Oh,well then this is the first time I'm calling ya!Let's go!We've got work to do!"

Everyone was in the living room as Hop pop started to hand out some things to everyone," ok we've got a lot of work ahead of us,here you go,put this one.Polly,there you go sweetie," Hop pop said as he wrapped Polly to protect her from the rain.

" Rain gear?Hop pop we're frogs ,we should be taking off our clothes," sprig says taking off his shirt and swinging it around.

" Keep your pants on boy,this here is no ordinary rainstorm,we've got to cover up the crops before there destroyed! " Hop pop explained." It will be hours of backbreaking work in the mud and the muck,thankless,hard character building labor," Hop pop continued until Y/n sneezed.Anne got an idea as she started to fake cough," woah Anne, everything alright? " Sprig questioned," No,I think Y/n has gotten sick and now I've caught it," Anne said as Y/n surprisingly didn't react.Hop pop checked Anne until she pushed his hand away," we've got human stuff going on,you don't know anything about," Anne paused as she fake coughed again.

" Oh no,sounds like I just gotten a bad case of the Mocha lattes," Anne lies as Y/n side eyes her groaning.

" Come on kids,let's stay away from Anne and Y/n and there illness.Rest up you two,we'll handle work today."" Feel better Guys""Rest up"

" We'll try," Anne says as the Plantar's shut the door and go outside towards the crops.

" You done did it again girl,woo!Great job on the acting Y/n," Anne said only for Y/n to reply as she stood in place." I'm," Y/n didn't finish as she flopped on the couch.

Anne didn't pay any mind as she started to mess around.

Finally Anne settled down on the couch next to Y/n as she watched a show on her phone while eating ice cream.Y/n was curled in a blanket facing away from her as the Plantar's came in through the door.Anne had started acting sick again,until she looked closely at the Plantar's.

" Woah are you guys ok? " Anne questioned looking at there state.

" Oh me?I'm fine," Sprig said." Looks like Polly and I have come down with something too," Hop pop explained." Who said that "

" Oh,it was brutal out there you guys,good thing you stayed inside,I mean sure the work would of gone much quicker if you two were with us,but you two probably would of gotten sicker," Sprig exclaimed.

" Go...away"" Yup "

" But nobody has to worry because I'm going to take care of everyo- " Sprig paused before sneezing causing his tongue to stretch out of his mouth and land on the floor.

" Yup,it got Sprig too," Hop pop said as Y/n stood up and walked towards the group.

" Wait what,so you're all sick? " Anne questioned.

" Bet it looks that way"" Polly no"" Great now I'm all sticky"

" I can take care of you guys," Y/n finally speaks up.

" I am too," Anne said.

" But you're both sick," Sprig said." Sure we are,but you're way more important to us," Anne explained as she fake coughed.

" Wow,that's uncharacteristically generous of you "

" Sure it is,now let's get all of you better! " Anne said as she and Y/n got to work.

Anne and Y/n put on gloves and protective clothing as they began to treat the Plantars.Anne wrapped Hop pop in a blanket then made a digusted face as slice stick to her gloves.

Y/n sluggishly walked over to Polly as she put eye drops into Polly's closed shut eyes.

" Ah sweet relief, give me that! " Polly said as she took the eye droppers and filled each eye with the liquid until it poured out leaving Polly satisfied.

Anne struggled to keep Sprig's tongue in his mouth,she finally managed to keep it in as she wrapped his head with cloth before going to the kitchen.

" And finally my famous broccoli kale super soup,now with cricket,this one's a kicker,oh!Almost forgot,Sprig's favorite.Mushrooms," Anne says adding a red mushroom into the pot of soup.

" That smells horrible," Y/n said as she sat in a chair.

" Eh,that's probably a good thing," Anne states as she serves Sprig,Polly and Hop pop.

" So,feeling any better? " Anne questioned as the three are some of the soup,but then Sprig's tongue to knock all the bowls in there heads.Anne started to wonder what she could of done wrong until she noticed something off about Hop pop.

" Uh Hop pop? Are your legs normally that red? " Anne questioned as Hop pop looked down.

" This can't be good," Hop pop spoke as he grabbed a book and flipped through the pages.

" Yep,it's red leg alright"" Is that a bad thing? "" Uh ya Anne,the red leg works it's way all the way up your body,and when it finally covers you completely you, you" Polly stops as Hop pop continues for her.

" You depart from this ungrateful world."

" What "" You what!? "

" It's ok kids,just pick a corner for me to pass away in.That one will do," Hop pop says pointing towards a corner.

" No!We are not picking a corner!There's got to be something we can do to fix this,there has to be," Anne says as Sprig replied," the guide book says that red leg can be cured by waiting in a mineral pond high in the mountains."

" Mountains?Ha!The journey alone would do me in,nope,nope,nope.I'm just gonna get ready for the here after in my corner," Hop pop said walking to the corner and laying down,pulling a newspaper over him." HEY!Stop it!Sorry Hop pop but you're going to live to see another day,we're going to take you to that mineral pond," Anne stated as everyone cheered sickly.

" Even though I'm still pretty sick," Anne added.

Soon the five were on Bessie as they made there way towards the mountains.Anne looked up at the mountain once they arrived before ushering Bessie on," you guys feeling ok?Hop pop? " Y/n questioned.

" Well I'm fine,considering the red is up to my stomach," Hop pop says as Anne is shocked.

" Looks like it moves quicker than we thought "

" Knock it off boy,just find nice tree to leave me under," Hop pop states." Better make that a tree for two," Polly spoke as she sneezed,revealing the red that was on her too.

" Polly too!?We've got to get this cart moving faster," Anne said as she and Y/n hopped off and grabbed a hold of the small wagon.

" Guys what are you doing? " Sprig questioned worried.

" If Bessie can't get you there,than we'll get you there ourselves," Anne states as Y/n pulled harder despite the many random things trying to painfully stop them.